Open the registration period for the Oral Health and Diabetes Campaign

Open the registration period for the Oral Health and Diabetes Campaign
I campaign oral health and diabetes
The registration period for the first campaign for oral health and diabetes is open. Photo:

this year, Organized by the General Council of Dental Faculties and the Spanish Dental Foundationthe first awareness campaign on oral health and diabetes will be implemented.

So, From its opening on Monday, March 21 to closing on April 15All dental clinics wishing to participate in the I campaign for oral health and diabetes can do so Register at this link:

Clinic registration

Awareness campaign will be carried out From May 9 to June 3advance Free dental checkup for diabetics who request it at any of the dental clinics throughout Spain that are registered as volunteers.

The relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is well known, or the importance of oral health in the prevention and control of diabetes. This campaign seeks, as indicated on its website, to explain the most important oral diseases related to periodontitis. Risks and, above all, provide information so that the patient can take appropriate measures to maintain their oral health.

The volunteer clinics that participate in the initiative will receive promotional materials from the campaign, including a guide, a vinyl and a display screen.

At the end of the campaign, all participating clinics will receive a diploma and have the opportunity to take a free webinar or online course on oral health and diabetes, which will soon be available on the campaign website.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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