Paris Hilton wears toilet paper wedding dress to bachelorette party | people | entertainment

Paris Hilton wears toilet paper wedding dress to bachelorette party |  people |  entertainment

The star hosted an intimate brunch on Saturday, which was held in the backyard of her Los Angeles home.


Paris Hilton She showed that she could walk down the aisle in just about anything and still be the definition of wedding and fashion goals.

Star This is Paris, 40 years old, wears a wedding dress made of toilet paper in that lunch An intimate wedding on Saturday, which took place in her backyard at Angels.

She and her sister-in-law Tessa Hilton worked as models, while Friends of Paris split into two groups and ran to build. Wedding fashion with toilet paper in five minutes. “Don’t wear the hijab,” Paris said to her friends before they started the counter.

Paris ended with Elegant 80’s wedding dress, with padded shoulders and a braided headband, while Tessa, 27, wore a floor-length number and veil. Both looks were quickly destroyed by Barry dogsYes, they started chewing and tearing dresses.

Photo: the universe

singer The stars are blind Wearing a fun wedding dress-inspired outfit under toilet paper, a white short dress Wavy long sleeves. Appearance completed white sunglasses Heels are heart shaped and matched, and her hair is styled in high group.

Her backyard is decked out in lush greenery and pink and white flower arrangements, with black teacups hanging on a thread for a theme. Alice in Wonderland. Pictures of Paris and her fiancé Carter Ryome Decorated in cookies and cans of sparkling water. menu lunch included SaladAnd Omelette smoked salmon and cinnamon rolls Cone a chocolate croissant.

Photo: the universe

Paris got engaged to 40-year-old Réome in February When asked the question to her on a private island surrounded by loved ones. She met Ryome, a close friend of the Hilton family, for 15 years before they first became romantically involved at a post party. golden balls In January 2020.

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