Pedro Trueglio responds to Potro Gutierrez: “ I was surprised by someone who seemed serious ” – ten

Pedro Trueglio responds to Potro Gutierrez: “ I was surprised by someone who seemed serious ” – ten

Olympia coach Pedro Trueglio expressed his happiness with the actions of his team and the victory that allowed them to continue to lead in the central region.

You can also read: Olympia defeats Real Spain by controversy in a bad football classic and regains the top of the central region!

The Merengue coach’s fever came after an inquiry about what Ra راl “Potro” Gutierrez said, who considered that the referees had offered Olympia gifts.

“I’ll listen first if he says it’s disrespect for a colleague.”. Maybe he just arrived and wasn’t looking at what this team was doing over the two years, nationally and internationally, but I want to hear because I don’t know if he said that. “

He added: “If he says so, then this means disrespecting me, the coaching staff and the players. I wonder about the person who seems seriousIt amazes me that it was expressed this way because I don’t know what gift they gave us? The goal was offside, I don’t know what the gift was. I see that all the teams have positions for and against, but a lot of games without losing at the international and local levels, they don’t talk about help, but I hope it is very easy to play football with many matches unbeaten with help, great and I appreciate the help. “

The Argentine coach went even further and considered that a real duel wins on the field and should not speak against the work of colleagues.

“It’s total disrespect from one teammate to another. It seems to me that the game should win, unless it generates 20 goal states, but they don’t kick the goal. I don’t understand the analysis, but if it’s talking about previous matches well, the other day they gave us a penalty kick.” You are not in Olanchetto. It seems disrespectful to me to talk about the teammates of other teams. I never talk about the other teams, for me, Real Spain is a great team with great players and it is a great coach, but I don’t see everyone thinks that way and they like to talk that way. “

Troglio had already finished his answer, but the annoyance was so great that he asked for an opportunity to add. “Can I say something else? The truth is they made me famous for this. He misses me because football is won by playing on the field. Today we won on the field like we won in Spain (SPS), so we won by playing on the field and trying to talk as little as possible. The day I lose, I can complain about the referee, but I can never complain about the Real Spain team helping them. But the unbeaten team in nearly 30 games helped us a lot at that time. “

As for the actions of his team in the sports, which allow him to continue at the top of the central region classification.

“Happy, happy. It was a difficult and difficult match and against an opponent. We waited longer than one saw, but practically throughout the match, except for Mario Martinez in the head, we did not suffer from the positions against it. Goal, but then the match opened and we had a lot of space to play.” .

Trueglio revealed his team’s discomfort after the match against Real Sociedad, as players and members of the coaching staff were suffering from drought.

“After a long journey we ended up with five or six dehydrated players and in the case of two or three who weren’t there today, like: Figueroa and Eddie Hernandez and Bentson, who were there until yesterday and we didn’t know if he was playing. Happy again because the team is back.” … to show the toughness of defense, and this was neither the classic nor the Olanchito. “

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I add: “We had like five decomposed, Including me and Sergio Lopez, we came dehydrated for an eight-hour flight and arrived at 2:00 a.m. all decomposing. Thank God we got back Bengtson. “

About team performance. “I am happy with what Olympia did, this is a classic match and not two flashy matches, as the teams don’t want to lose anything. Real Spain was waiting for us with a lot of people behind us and it’s hard for us to arrive.”

“I might see football differently than the many who ask me about you, for me, good football is strong in defense, with everyone working, dressed in construction clothing, and as a high hat and club when it comes to owning it. It is a classic game and you should win it as much as possibleFighting, fighting, trying to get more shares than the competitor, and this is what we did today. “

Oliver Walton

"Pro alcohol addict. Bacon scholar. Award-winning beer fan. Gamer. Social media expert. Zombie guru."

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