Persecution in Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship closed the INCAE Business School and ordered the confiscation of its assets

Persecution in Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship closed the INCAE Business School and ordered the confiscation of its assets
The Ortega regime ordered the closure of the Central American Business Institute in Managua (EFE/Jorge Torres)

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega, through the Ministry of the Interior of Nicaragua, The business school of the Central American Business School (INCAE) was canceled on Monday and its real estate and personal belongings were confiscated.Under the pretext of not complying with the laws regulating this.

INCAE’s headquarters in Nicaragua, located on the outskirts of Managua, hosted a failed negotiating table in 2019 at which a solution was sought. Due to the crisis that the country has been experiencing since April 2018In which the Vatican and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) participated.

INCAE, registered with the Ministry of the Interior since January 1, 2009, was dissolved for having “breached its obligations” before the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Non-Profit Organizations for that portfolio, in accordance with Ministerial Agreement No. 106-2023, published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta.

The Ministry of Interior, which is responsible for monitoring and registering non-governmental organizations, indicated this They dissolved INCAE for not submitting their financial statements for 2020, 2021 and 2022, and also because they discovered “inconsistencies”. In the financial statements for the period 2015-2019.

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In addition, for not adhering to “the legal requirements established for receiving donations and not registering as foreign agents.”

As well as the Ministry of the Interior, which directs Maria Amelia Coronel KinlochHe accused INCAE of obstructing oversight and monitoring of the General Directorate of Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organizations, “because, by not complying with their obligations, they did not promote policies of transparency in the management of funds, leaving implementation unknown.” “of their projects and whether they are consistent with their goals or objectives.”

The Ortega regime intensifies repression in Nicaragua (Iranian Presidency/dpa)

With regard to the destination of INCAE movable and immovable property, The Ministry of Interior ordered the Public Prosecutor’s Office to transfer them to Nicaragua.Which will allow the Ortega regime to control its headquarters.

INCAE, with campuses in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, is known as “the best business school in Latin America” and has “promoted the progress of the Latin American community by training talent for regional leaders through master’s degrees.” and executive programmes. .

The College of Business Administration explained on its website: “For more than five decades, we have worked with companies, international organizations and professionals of the highest levels to solve problems, develop capabilities and prepare them to respond to the requirements of the future.”

United Nations frameworks Random closure of organizations As part of the repressive escalation carried out by Ortega following the 2018 protests. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates that In 2022 alone, the regime abolished the legal personality of more than 3,000 civil society organizations and closed more than twenty media outlets.

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The group’s report was presented by its German director Jean Michael SimonThe UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva recorded “a new wave of human rights violations in Nicaragua during The last six months“, which has “dangerously stifled dissenting voices and increased persecution.” This is the latest update from the group, which has been assessing the human rights situation in the Central American country since March 2022.

Ortega system solution

Weeks ago, I ordered a dictatorship Confiscation of the homes of exiled Nicaraguan dissidentsAmong them are the writer and poet Gioconda BelliChilean nationality.

The procedure also affected the writer’s son. Camilo de CastroIn addition to other critics of the Ortega regime, such as the writer Gonzalo Carreondirector Leonor Zunigahuman rights defender, Moses HassanOr former advisor Norman Calderaaccording to the newspaper the press.

Nicaragua has been witnessing a political and social crisis since April 2018, which worsened after the controversial general elections that took place on November 7, 2021, in which President Daniel Ortega achieved re-election for a fifth term, the fourth in a row and the second with his wife Rosario. Murillo, vice president, is with her main rivals in prison or in exile.

(With information from EFE)

Aygen Marsh

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