Poll: Biden leads in Trump-aligned Pennsylvania in Arizona

Poll: Biden leads in Trump-aligned Pennsylvania in Arizona

Pitton’s latest lead is high accordingly RealClearPolitics Average Recent Pennsylvania Surveys, Oct. 27-Nov. 2, which shows an edge of 2.9 points over Trump in the state. Trump Won Pennsylvania’s 20 election votes in 2016 by 1.2 percentage points.

Another NBC News / Mauritius poll Biden and Trump, who were released on Monday, are tied to Arizona voters, each receiving 48 percent support. The Previous version A NBC News / Mauritius Arizona poll, which surveyed the state’s registered voters in July, showed that Fiden had a 5 point lead, 50-45 percent.

The RealClearPolitics Average Recent Arizona Surveys, Oct. 23-Nov. 1, shows that Biden is in the lead at less than 1 percent. Trump Won Arizona’s 11th Electoral College voted 4.1 percent in 2016.

In the new NBC News / Mauritius Arizona poll, the current Republican Sen. Kelly previously had a 12-point, 53-41 percent lead in July.

Maxley is widely regarded as one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans in Tuesday’s vote, and his rivalry with Kelly could determine whether Democrats can regain control of the room. The RealClearPolitics Average Kelly is leading by 5.8 percentage points in the latest Arizona Senate poll.

NBC News / Marist Polls Oct, 29-Nov. 1, 772 Pennsylvania potential voters and 717 Arizona voters. The margin of sample error was 4.4 percentage points plus or minus 4.5 points for the Pennsylvania results and 4.5 points for the Arizona results.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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