Polling in Peru: Electoral jury chief fails to give deadlines for resolution of bids due to alleged irregularities

Polling in Peru: Electoral jury chief fails to give deadlines for resolution of bids due to alleged irregularities
Jorge Luis Salas Arenas, President of JNE in Peru
Jorge Luis Salas Arenas, President of JNE in Peru

Peru’s National Electoral Commission has confirmed that it will only announce the results of the second round of the June 6 presidential election. When all the observed minutes and cancellation requests submitted after the operation are resolved.

This Tuesday, the National Office for Electoral Operations (ONPE) announced It reported that left-wing candidate Pedro Castillo won 50.125% of the vote To the right is Keiko Fujimori who got 49.875%At the conclusion of 100% of the minutes recorded for the second presidential session.

With all voting records recorded, Castillo received 8,835,579 votes, 44,058 more than Fujimoriwhich garnered the support of 8,791,521 voters.

Although the counting is complete, the winner cannot be announced yet, because Fujimori Fuerza Popular has demanded that hundreds of voting records be scrapped for alleged irregularities Which he considers to be part of the “fraud table”.

These applications are reviewed by the decentralized offices of JNE, which have so far reject most for submission after the deadline or their lack of technical support. Currently, None of Fujimori’s orders were accepted due to defects in form or lack of evidence.

Candidate Keiko Fujimori denounced "Forgery" Election without evidence (Photo: Reuters/Angela Pons)
Candidate Keiko Fujimori denounced the “rigging” of the elections without providing evidence (Photo: Reuters/Angela Pons)

The plenary session of the highest electoral court indicated that since last Monday, it has held public hearings and sessions in which it listens to the allegations of the parties, and then broadcasts its deliberations sessions live and votes on the resources. “In order to provide maximum transparency about their decisions to the public.”

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Decisions on appeals are sent to JEEs in each jurisdiction who in turn forward them to the corresponding Decentralized Electoral Process (ODPE) offices so that, if applicable, Enter it into the calculation results.

Later, when JEE doesn’t have any resources outstanding to solve, They will proceed to announce the results within their jurisdiction.

finally, The JNE plenum will sign the Public Declaration of Results Act and hand over credentials to the candidate who will assume the presidency of Peru for the term 2021-2026.in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Elections Act.

In this way, the JNE as an independent constitutional body Proceeding with applicable electoral regulations and due processIn this way the election results are an honest reflection of the general will expressed in the ballot boxes,” concluded the plenary session of the highest court.

Against this background, the JNE Chairman said, Jorge Luis Salas Arenas, He called for calm pending final deliberations: “Let us not call for further division, we must rebuild the bonds of solidarity and seek consensus for the good of the country, we are a great nation, we are not two states but one and we deserve it.”

“We acted according to the law and act with integrity and transparency”added.

Arenas clarified that the JNE should resolve the appeals to the records observed and that according to the system there would be more than 80 calls. “The announcement of the results of the second presidential round will be announced as soon as these pending procedures are resolved,” he said.

Pedro Castillo beat Keiko Fujimori by 44,000 votes, after the ONPE tally ended (Photo: Reuters/Sebastian Castaneda)
Pedro Castillo beat Keiko Fujimori by 44,000 votes, after the ONPE tally ended (Photo: Reuters/Sebastian Castaneda)

Through his “People’s Power” party, Fujimori He called for a “computer audit of the process of digitizing electoral records.”

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The reason given for requesting this audit is that “A series of questions were revealed by social networksBetween the register and the computer system of the National Office of Electoral Operations.

We are only asking for a fair election and a review of all irregularities. We will not surrender “Keiko Fujimori, the former president’s daughter and political heir, wrote on social media on Monday Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) who claims to have been the victim of an alleged “systematic fraud” although he has not provided evidence.

These resources are concentrated in the regions AndesAnd the rural s poor fellow Where Castillo received an overwhelming vote, the controversy was mostly that some of the signatures of the members of the polling committee They differed from the models of the same persons who appear in the civil registry.

With information from EFE

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Aygen Marsh

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