Ponferrada Sports City declared a smoke-free zone to “encourage healthy living”

Ponferrada Sports City declared a smoke-free zone to “encourage healthy living”

Since Monday, Ponferrada Sports City has been one of the three smoke-free venues in Bierzo. The first was San Facundo, which was followed by the university district of the capital, Persia. Now, several banners will surround the city's various sports facilities, the first of which has been installed at the entrance to the Lydia Valentin Pavilion. Others will be placed at the entrances to Coloman Trapado, the heated pools, the municipal tennis courts and El Torralin.

Through this initiative, presented this Monday morning by the Sports Advisor, Eva Gonzalez, and the President of the Anti-Cancer Association of Ponferrada, Damaso Luna, the intention is to… “Encouraging healthy living and sports and preventing what could be harmful to health, such as smoking in this case around sports facilities,” The advisor noted.

The agreement was signed between the City Council and the AECC at the beginning of this year, and will be extended if citizens respond positively to this recommendation. Eva Gonzalez recalled These signs are not punitive, “but we want to warn about healthy living and, in this case, cancer prevention.”

Ponferrada Sports City has been declared a smoke-free venue "Encouraging healthy living".  /KinetoPonferrada Sports City has been declared a smoke-free venue "Encouraging healthy living".  /Kineto
The Ponferrada Sports City declared a smoke-free zone “to encourage healthy living.” /Kineto
Ponferrada Sports City has been declared a smoke-free venue "Encouraging healthy living".  /KinetoPonferrada Sports City has been declared a smoke-free venue "Encouraging healthy living".  /Kineto
The Ponferrada Sports City declared a smoke-free zone “to encourage healthy living.” /Kineto

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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