“Selling” spaces on El-Gamal Street on Easter Eve

“Selling” spaces on El-Gamal Street on Easter Eve

Juarez city. – A Facebook user, Hector Avila, posted on the Vecinos Parajes del Sur group, the supposed ‘sale’ of a space in the Chamzal public park, which contains benches, shade and grill and is asking for one thousand 500 pesos, citizens reported to El Diario.

They noted that although the publication did not specify if it was a joke, many people said they were interested, and were willing to pay the required amount or more.

Among the comments received by the post, there are some comments such as “I am interested. This is good, you can save a lot of wasted time. Some numbers to call” (sic), “I am interested in the information account number for deposit and place reservation” (sic) and “But I will pay you there once you install it.”

However, others are also read, such as “Since when places are sold in Chamizal” or “Are you serious or joking?”.

According to the press archives, on the Easter holidays there is a large influx of chamzal, which is why families even choose to camp several days in advance, in order to ensure space in the green.

This medium attempted to interrogate the Director of Parks and Gardens, Daniel Zamaron, but he did not answer the call.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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