Popular Will has announced that Juan Guaidó will be its candidate for the opposition primaries in Venezuela

Popular Will has announced that Juan Guaidó will be its candidate for the opposition primaries in Venezuela
Juan Guaido (Reuters/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria/File Photo)

popular will (Vice President) announced this Tuesday that Juan Guaido Their candidate will be in the presidential primary called by the unilateral platform on October 22nd. Although it was made official a few hours ago, the decision was already made in August, during a federal activist meeting held in Carabobo.

The party’s political coordinator, Freddy Soberlano, declared in a press conference that “the popular will has decided, by an absolute majority of all states and a team of theoretical activists, that Juan Guaido be the candidate.” With this, they will seek to defeat the Nicolás Maduro regime in the presidential elections scheduled for 2024.

“Guaidó is not in a political campaign, we have to wait for him to hold a press conference to make his candidacy for the primaries official. However, he will be our candidate,” Superlano highlighted.

It is important to remember that Guaido was imposed a disqualification in 2019 by Nicolás Maduro’s regime, which bars him from running and holding public office until 2038.

Independent organization Network for the Defense of Labor, Property and the Constitutionl Venezuelarequested on February 25 to National Primaries Commission (CNP) Chavez’s opponents that guarantee participation ‘Real opposition leaders’ In the next election on October 22.

Freddy Soberlano announces that Guaidó will be the candidate of “Volentade Popular”

And through a statement signed by the head of the network, Vincent Britothe organization sought to take steps to Prevent the ruling party from promoting candidates that suit itsomething that – if it happens – will allow a system Nicolas Maduro Intervene in the process and ensure that the chosen person is not a real opponent.

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Candidates must be to participate in the opposition primaries evaluated by the verification committee This candidate certifies that it is loyal opposition representative. Otherwise, we will find official candidates backed by their votes,” Brito wrote a few days ago on his Twitter account, to which the group’s message was added in the past few hours.

“It is necessary for the organizing committee to assume its duties vigorously Responsibility to ensure the participation of real opposition leaders. Otherwise, we will hold elections in which the official sector can promote candidates that suit them and ensure that they are elected with their electoral mechanism,” the letter detailed.

The CNP announced that the application process for the primary will be open between May 24 and June 23, as specified in the schedule released on February 15. The final list will be announced on the last day.

Both dissident sectors of the Maduro regime in the country and Venezuelans abroad have Great expectations On this electoral process that, in 2024, can Put an end to the so-called Bolivarian Revolutionwho has been in power ever since 1999.

This is why many reviewers in the country have extended invitations to the community to participate in this initial process on various occasions. “Let us support this essential that means the union of all”, wrote the former interim president Juan Guaido on Twitter when Henrique Capriles RadonskiAnother opposition leader pointed this out “We Venezuelans want to vote freely and reinvent ourselves through the full exercise of a right that we all have. We want to speak in Venezuela of free and competitive elections.”.

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(with information from EFE)

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Aygen Marsh

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