Problems? Ral “Negro” Araiza causes Galilia Montego to be injured in today’s device accident: video

Problems?  Ral “Negro” Araiza causes Galilia Montego to be injured in today’s device accident: video

I felt moments of tension in me Today’s program After two of its drivers starred in a powerful accident, it did not go unnoticed by thousands of followers of Sabah TV station Saint Angel.

In mid-2021 the transmission has Andrea Legaretta, Galilia MontegoAnd the Raul “Negro”, ArizaLambda García, Marisol González, Andrea Escalona, ​​Arath de Wing Torre and Paul Stanley; The two of them were in a controversial encounter.

what happened?

Since taking over the Howe program, Andrea has periodically implemented various dynamics; Most of them compete with the original cast and an endless number of celebrities who come as star guests.

It was during the “Song War” when Galilia Montague and Raul “Negro” Areza made a powerful accident that set off alarms in the production and the other morning drivers

Just when the beautiful model from Guadalajara was translating a song, her partner decided to boycott her without imagining that it would cause a heavy blow because one of her teeth hit the microphone.

Before the blow, Galilia Montague covered her mouth with her hand, while Raul “Negro” Ariza hugged her; After the coup, the game is over. Until now it was not known if the strike was serious.


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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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