Prosecutor’s office will accuse Norman Quijano of election fraud and illegal groups

Prosecutor’s office will accuse Norman Quijano of election fraud and illegal groups

The attorney general submitted the requirements on Saturday afternoon. He also reported that the former MP left the country on Friday afternoon.

The Attorney General’s office asked the Seventh Peace Court to order the arrest of former MP and former Speaker of the Legislative Council, Norman Quijano, for alleged negotiations with gangs in exchange for electoral support when he was a candidate for the presidency in 2014..

The Prosecutor said in the case, “This afternoon, we submitted a request to formal instructions for the arrest of Mr. Norman Cuegano Gonzalez on charges of illegal group crimes and procedural fraud.”

“The candidate of the ring, through several people, made proposals to gang members to validate the vote of the gangs, their families and their communities,” he added. This was due to the fact that in the first election round, none of the parties had the necessary votes to obtain the presidency.

The prosecutor in the case confirmed that $ 100,000 was handed over by the Arena Party to the gangs.

The Attorney General, Raul Millara, indicated that in January 2020, a preliminary ruling was requested against Quijano in the Legislative Assembly, but in May of the same year, the majority of the deputies decided not to remove his constitutional jurisdiction.

“Unfortunately, it did not have an echo in the Legislative Assembly that ended yesterday (Friday, April 30),” Melara said on her Twitter account.

He added, “In line with our constitutional mission and our compliance with it, we endorse this commitment to prosecute all those who negotiated with the gangs, among other crimes, which is a crime that has already occurred in the country and should not be repeated.”

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A video clip in which Quijano is seen meeting religious people from the Patriotic Pastors’ Network and gang members allegedly in the process of rehabilitation and witness Noy’s testimony (with criminal benefits) in which he confirmed at the Jack process trial that Quijano offered them money and other benefits in exchange for voting for him in the presidential election.

SEE ALSO: Millara does not rule out another preliminary referee request against Quijano

The Public Prosecutor also confirmed that when coordinating the arrest of the former MP, Immigration stated that he left the country yesterday – 2:08 pm last Friday by road. “This confirms that it is clear that there is an escape risk that has already been realized,” Melara said.

The prosecutor in the case confirmed that Coygano used a diplomatic passport and a diplomatic car to leave the country for Honduras.

At the time of his departure, the former MP was still enjoying his constitutional powers, so he had to wait until yesterday to be charged before the court.

Quijano confirmed that he is outside the country, but confirmed that he will return within the next few days to face the judicial process.

I’m out of the country, I’m attending a family engagement party, and I’m planning to return to the country in a couple of days. I found out that the public prosecutor had filed a court order based on false accusations. “

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He added, “I will defend my innocence to my last breath.
At the required moment, I will introduce myself to show my face, because as I have always said, and whoever knows me knows me, I am innocent. “

Quijano was elected to the Parliament of Central America (Parlasin), but he has not yet been sworn in.

Aygen Marsh

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