Public Health is working on updating the “Covid-19 traffic light”

Public Health is working on updating the “Covid-19 traffic light”

The interface of the Spanish Ministry of Health
– – Madrid November 17, 2021 – 9:55 am

The report reported on alerts from the Public Health Commission that it continues to work, along with the Departments of the Independent Communities, on an ‘update document’.Coordinated response actions to control the transmission of Covid-19‘, Acquaintance’Traffic lights‘, given the recorded increase in cumulative infection rates in recent days.

This report will continue to work on the alert report and will be transmitted to the Public Health Committee shortly. according to Updated data From the report of the Ministry the health Regarding coronavirus disease, the cumulative infection rate of Covid-19 is 88.65 diagnosed cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, a measure of numbers that puts the country at medium risk, while Spain already records 5,061,045 people infected with this virus. since the epidemic began.

Regarding the document on the comprehensive management of vaccination against Covid-19, this shows that out of 77,832,689 doses of vaccines delivered in Spain, 74,034,325 doses were administered. Thus, to date, 89.6 percent of the target population have had at least one dose of vaccines and 90.6 percent with the full regimen. On the other hand, the Public Health Authority unanimously approved the Strategic Plan for Environmental Health (PESMA).

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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