Q4 Reductions on culture and science frustrate – La Prensa de Monclova

Q4 Reductions on culture and science frustrate – La Prensa de Monclova

MEXICO CITY.- Culture and science, sectors that have been hit so broadly so far during this six-year period by budget cuts and the disappearance of trust funds, all in the name of austerity in the fourth quarter, will have to wait for an ally, now, in San Lazaro through the legislature that just started.

The ledge, despite good intentions, left cliffs along the way.

Actor Sergio Mayer, for example, Moreno’s deputy who headed the Culture and Cinematography Committee, was unable to comply with the union to halt the inertial decline in federal resources for the sector, which also suffered from hoarding 25 percent of spending by the Chapultepec Project: Nature and Culture, which is A fact that the commission wanted to treat, but to no avail.

“Good accounts are not given there because there was no disposition of the executive. The legislature can do its job, it can make tables, forums, points of agreement etc., but if the executive is closed down and you don’t follow through, then what happened here happens, i.e. nothing ”, Judge Carlos Lara, Cultural Management Specialist.

Due to the effects of the pandemic, Mayer was also unable to pass a legislative package of support.

In the scientific sector, the outlook was also not satisfactory. Mariville Solis, also Morenista, chaired the Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation, where she saw the extinction of hundreds of trust in the sector, at the behest of the executive branch, and the removal of valuable funding mechanisms for scientists from across the country.

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“The trust has been terminated and we are seeing the negative consequences,” says David Romero, of ProCienciaMX, wistfully.


in culture …

– It was recorded from 2018 to 2019 with a decrease in the budget from 13 thousand 414 million pesos to 12 thousand 895 million.

– And in 2020 and 2021, the budget of 13 thousand, 517 million and 13 thousand and 985 million, respectively, barely increased inflation, although the Chapultepec megaproject is forming to monopolize in 2022, for the second year in a row, 25 percent of resources . .

In science…

– 91 funds have been amortized, including 26 of Conacyt’s public research centers.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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