Reading clubs are a space to enjoy and share opinions

Reading clubs are a space to enjoy and share opinions

Those interested can still participate in this month’s meetings in Basque and Spanish

You can register in the library from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00.  / Lima
You can register in the library from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00. / Lima
CL To Gazebi.

Basque and Spanish reading clubs continue in the municipal library, and two new meetings are scheduled for March. From the city council they remember the dynamics of its operation. Both clubs were invigorated by two journalists, one of Spaniard by Monica Leva and the other of Basque by Miriam Luque. They explain, “The two meet once a month to talk about literature and various topics in general, taking as a reference for a book that was previously agreed upon, and the library itself makes books available for reading for the participants.” “Reading groups are open, but it is necessary to pre-register with the municipality’s library itself, by calling the phone number 943 73 71 86, sending an email to [email protected] or sending WhatsApp to 639 85 11 72.

Those interested are still in time to participate in their upcoming sessions. The Reading Club in Spanish on March 24th will be about Mary Carr’s book ‘The Liars’ Club and the Basque Reading Club meeting today. Then, on March 25th, Carson McCullers’ play “Kafe tristearen ballada”, both at 6.30pm, in the Celebration Hall of the House of Culture. Come and try it! There’s nothing like knowing it to dispel doubts and share a good time reading, ”the city council encourages.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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