Recognition has been given to the winner of the Science Prize

Recognition has been given to the winner of the Science Prize

The Science and Technology Committee from Sixteenth legislature of the State Congress From Baja California Sur headed by Rep Armando Martinez Vega confess to the doctor Enrique Troyo Diego For being a winner in State Prize for Science and Technology 2021, for his scientific career, which he organized Southern California Council on Science and Technology (Cosket).

Accompanied by the secretaries of the authority, Representative Guadalupe Vazquez Jacinto and his deputy, Rigoberto Maris Aguilar, accepted the Director of COSCYT, Sarah Diaz Castro and my representatives SIBNOR, SESIMAR, SYSIS and universities, the President pledged to reintegrate the State Prize for Science and Technology awarded by Congress to representatives of the scientific community.

The challenge, he said, is to set an agenda around science and technology with very specific issues to be developed during the term of the legislature, and concrete but very specific actions out of the hands of the scientific community and institutions.

It must be remembered that the COSCYT distinction recognizes the efforts, trajectory, and economic and social impact of research conducted by our state’s science, technology and innovation professionals.

Dr. Enrique Troyo Originally from Torreon, Coahuila, a Southern Californian in La Paz since 1972 until now. It Agrotechnical Botanical Engineer from Monterey Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies, degree Doctor of Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

He works as a researcher in Northwest Biological Research Center (Sibnor) La Paz belongs to it National Scholars Level 3 System.

The event also honored the winner of the State Prize for Science and Technology in 2020, the doctor Bernardo Murillo Amador.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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