Rondon says he is convinced that the Odebrecht file has been prepared at the National Palace

Rondon says he is convinced that the Odebrecht file has been prepared at the National Palace

Businessman Angel Rondon Rego, the main defendant in the Odebrecht case, was convinced that this file had been prepared in the National Palace, and that it was not only the work of the then Prosecutor of the Republic, Jean-Alan Rodriguez.

Rondon Rego asserts that the political force at that moment is to determine who should be included or removed from the said file, according to whether he prefers that administration or not.

He added that he personally does not believe that former President Danilo Medina participated in preparing the indictment, despite the presence of entries confirming that nothing was transmitted there without the consent of the former president.

He indicated the presence of a strategic office in the National Palace, which was determined to be appropriate or politically inconvenient for the city of Sanchez.

“But one of the defendants told me, Angel, if I was naive, this file was not done by the attorney, this file was edited in the palace, and this was where it was decided who should be placed and who should be removed, and who said the main defendant had received the alleged heavy bribes $ 92 million, which the Brazilian construction company recognized, to ask who is not, and today I told this person that he was right.

Rondon, when he interviewed Hector Herrera Cabral on Telesistema 11’s D´AGENDA program, said the city may not have agreed to some of these things, but his collaborators convinced him that this was what suits him best. Politically.

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The businessman said: “It is appropriate for you to start this file and sacrifice people from your environment, even because it cannot be everything from the same side, but you have to put people, and I am sure that will happen.” .

Regarding the exclusion of Punta Catalina, he says he imagines they removed him because it was a project of President Danilo Medina.

But the strategy was wrong there, and they should have included Punta Catalina and questioned those who participated, and the exclusion of this action was more transparent.

He said that since the citizens were not stupid, they realized that there was a “play”, because they were ordered to exclude Odebrecht’s largest project in the country from the file.

“Because this is the message people are thinking, they were sent to wipe out Punta Catalina, so I think the strategy there was not correct.

Rondon indicated that Punta Catalina was included in the file deposited by the Prosecutor General of the Republic to measure coercion, but they later realized that they had “spoiled” and decided to delete the aforementioned act.

He says that archiving the files is a political decision

Entrepreneur Angel Rondon Rego realizes that it was a political decision to archive the files of eight of the accused in the Odebrecht case and leave the others.

He said, “The file continued, when I told you that it was a political decision, because they left four and removed eight from the aforementioned file.”

He said that there is no doubt that the political issue had an impact, because for the same reason that the four who are being tried were accused, the others who were excluded were accused.

Rondon Rego asked: “There is no difference there, and you say but this is illogical, because how can they preserve a file of eight entries, and leave four.”

He indicated that he had asked on several occasions the Prosecutor General of the Republic, Jean-Alan Rodriguez, when he told him that he would submit to everyone, and that he would only subjugate him, and pressure him as much as he could to see if he could obtain proof that he had bribed the accused.

In another matter, Angel Rondon insisted that Jean Alan told him to incriminate the leaders of the Prime Minister’s party and gave him names and titles, and also asked him that if he had any receipt of Odebrecht’s campaign contribution to Louis Abenader, he also told him.

“He told me, he accuses three or four of the PRM, with names and titles, and if there is any piece of paper or campaign contribution from Odebrecht to Louis Abenader, and I answered that I didn’t know about Odebrecht’s contributions, but he did contribute to the election campaign of almost all political parties.” As he explained.

Rondon also said that if it was because he bribed those involved in the Odebrecht case who would indict him, those people would have to be laid off because they didn’t bribe or bribe anyone in these projects.

Aygen Marsh

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