Sandra Cuevas and her painful presentation at the supply center; Can’t always order

Sandra Cuevas and her painful presentation at the supply center;  Can’t always order
Sandra Cuevas on her visit to Central de Abastos, where merchants did not allow her to advertise.  (Sandra Cuevas Press/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Sandra Cuevas on her visit to Central de Abastos, where merchants did not allow her to advertise. (Sandra Cuevas Press/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Sandra Cuevas is indeed a name that will be very difficult to forget in Mexican politics, at least in the medium term. In the two years he ran the mayor’s office of Cuauhtémoc, in the heart of Mexico City, he was responsible for presenting all possible spectacles and, misunderstanding the term spectacle, Clear. It was always clear that she rated herself very high. That’s why he flaunts his academic credentials and poses for photos anywhere amidst a dizzying cult of personality, not because it’s cool, but because it’s uncomfortable: he really believes he’s a rock star. That’s why he makes every appearance an event: whether it’s talking to people, doing humble things, or visiting the Estadio Azteca to support America.

He had no problem canceling the danzon dances in Santa María de la Ribera and was proud to remove the banners from the street stalls in his area. A gray city reflects order and, above all, it orders and controls. That’s why he wasn’t shy about throwing 500-peso bills during a demonstration to buy loyalty. Nowadays, all politicians know that their actions will be recorded. She understands this function better than anyone else: she shows herself without filters, because this, in her theory, would provide evidence of her sincerity, not hers.

Now that his options to run for Mexico City’s mayoralty are in jeopardy, Cuevas has requested a two-week leave to promote himself in the capital, outside the mayor’s office that he has turned into his political fiefdom. Her experience in the Central de Abastos, in the office of the mayor of Iztapalapa, was completely fruitless for her.. The dealers would not allow her to do her promotions there, so she responded in a clingy manner.

Amid shouts and pushes from both groups, the traders and Cuauhtémoc mayor’s team accused Cuevas of attempted kidnapping, in addition to stealing motorcycles from his companions. For its part, Central de Abastos, in a statement, reinforced the initial position shown in the videos broadcast on the networks: That there must be prior permission to proselytize in its facilities.

This dismissal is another mark on Cuevas’ record in Mexican politics. If you have no shame in asking your colleague to “mother” you can’t ask for more. This is her usual behavior, even more so now that she’s desperate for a spot on the front roster to compete for Mexico City. The leak revealed that his name was not taken into consideration, though Andres Ataydechair of the PAN Steering Committee, denied this, and it was Cuevas herself who said the list was real: “They shared the list with me in a private meeting, yes they are the ones that were thought of. But the names have already changed. Firstly, God willing, in a few days we will come up with the picture.” “With positive news. It makes words count. There are many people who make decisions,” he said in an interview with El Heraldo newspaper.

She will continue her fight to gain followers outside her position as mayor, even though she started off on the wrong foot nonetheless February He said he was not interested in the position. “For me, the most important thing is my father, my mother and my siblings, not power and money. I aspire to nothing more than to finish my term well in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, and then I will retire.” Well it was a lie. But no way. It’s like this and the rest is up to them. Although the roles changed in Central de Abastos.

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Aygen Marsh

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