Science and cycling as heroes return to IES Andrés de Vandelvira in Albacete

Science and cycling as heroes return to IES Andrés de Vandelvira in Albacete

The ‘Bicicletada’, organized by IES Andrés de Vandelvira in Albacete, after two years without being able to take place due to the pandemic, has reached its 12th edition this year, thus becoming one of the oldest and most classic bike rallies in Albacete.

Another year, ESO Phase I and II students and center teachers will tour the streets of Al-Baseet on Thursday, April 7, to raise awareness among the public about this clean, smoke-free and economical transportation, as a real alternative to proposing urban, sustainable, and even more so at times of urban transport. crises.

Biking Albacete / Photo IES Andrés de Vandelvira
Biking Albacete / Photo IES Andrés de Vandelvira

This activity is part of the Center’s Health School project awarded this year by the Castilla-La Mancha Community Council and they are also involved in the proposal which promotes urban use of bicycles.

Prior to the start of this rally, members of the local Albacete Police and the Albacete Urban Cyclists Association (CORBA) will give a lecture on driver education and the safe use of bicycles in the city. Some of the issues that will be emphasized will be the importance of wearing a helmet and reflective jacket.

Exiting the 12th bike lane in Al-Basit

Departure of the “XII Bike Ride” will be at 11:15 AM from the Institute parking lot in the direction of the Green Road to the Post, rest in the sports area where they will have lunch and return to the Centre. On the way they will be accompanied by an ambulance, local police and volunteer teachers who go with each group. After a short pause to regain their strength, they will begin their return to the institute, where they are expected to arrive around 2:20 p.m.

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Biking Albacete / Photo IES Andrés de Vandelvira
Biking Albacete / Photo IES Andrés de Vandelvira

The number of participants referred to from the Center El Digital de Albacete will be the same as for the previous editions. The “platoon” will consist of first and second students from ESO, by ESO, BAC and FP teachers who will lead each group and be responsible for the organization.

“XI A Day of Science in Vandelvira” Poster

“The Eleventh Day of Science in Vandelvera”

The date coincides with the science fair. Thus, IES Andrés de Vandelvira celebrates from yesterday, April 6, until today “XI A Day of Science in Vandelvira”. After an interruption in this event due to the pandemic, the center is celebrating the eleventh edition of “Science Week”, in the assembly hall where a series of selected experiments will be conducted.

“Science Day in Vandelvira” / Photo: IES Andrés de Vandelvira

ESO, baccalaureate and apprenticeship students will offer 12 different activities of a scientific and interdisciplinary nature in the fields of philosophy, physics, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, technology, plastic arts or vocational training in the food and chemical industries.

This activity aims to “highlight the importance of science in the support and development of modern society, promote public recognition of scientific activity as an essential tool for meeting the needs of humanity and disseminate science among young people in a funny way,” as they pointed out from the center to El Digital de Albacete.

“Science Day in Vandelvira” / Photo: IES Andrés de Vandelvira

Coordination and organization is the responsibility of the Department of Physics and Chemistry, with Mr. Antonio García Cifuentes, Head of this Department, at its head.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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