Category: science

Learn about the consequences of isolation on the health of the elderly |  Geriatrics |  mental health |  Nuclear magnetic resonance |  home and more

Learn about the consequences of isolation on the health of the elderly | Geriatrics | mental health | Nuclear magnetic resonance | home and more

The Isolation Because COVID-19 It had negative consequences for the population Elderly This could lead to them suffering from dementia,…

AREA XXI and Berkley, the last entities invited to the Espacio Inade

AREA XXI and Berkley, the last entities invited to the Espacio Inade

Inade . Foundation Celebrate a new day from left space In which two entities from the insurance sector participated. One…

Mega events in Punta Arenas under the direction of Seremi de Salud

Mega events in Punta Arenas under the direction of Seremi de Salud

Prominent national band Illapu has brought back live concerts that had been suspended for two years due to the health…

Training – free courses at Espacio Tecno – La Brújula 24

Training – free courses at Espacio Tecno – La Brújula 24

From Monday to Friday, Tecno Space will offer various free courses for young people and adults over 16 years old…

Gum Health Day 2022 will focus on new EFP guidelines for gum prevention and treatment

Gum Health Day 2022 will focus on new EFP guidelines for gum prevention and treatment

On May 12, 2022 Gum Health Day is celebrated. The “gum health day“It is an international public health campaign that…

Opinion column by Tito José Christian – Minister of Science – Science – Life

Opinion column by Tito José Christian – Minister of Science – Science – Life

Nothing affects a country’s economy so much as restrictions placed on the development of its business, projects and investments. The…

Android: How to free up space on your phone without downloading third-party apps |  trick |  Hack |  guide |  wander |  Mobile phones |  Mexico |  Spain |  sports game
Mental health: they will open space for adaptation between attention and user output |  NewsNet

Mental health: they will open space for adaptation between attention and user output | NewsNet

Río Negro, a pioneer in mental health law, has made significant progress in opening the first home for social reintegration…

I give up education and health, the slogans most talked about by workers – Diario La Tribuna

I give up education and health, the slogans most talked about by workers – Diario La Tribuna

Caring for teachers, doctors and pensioners, as well as protecting the forest, the high cost of electricity, the basic basket,…

The science behind Harry Potter’s sorting hat and the different characters for each house |  entertainment

The science behind Harry Potter’s sorting hat and the different characters for each house | entertainment

As any Harry Potter fan knows, Gryffindors are known for their bravery, Ravenklaus are intellectuals, Slytherin Macron, and Hufflepuff are…