Seremi de Salud de Valparaíso asserts that the new summaries of a secret party in Cachagua are not being ignored and that 57 people are already infected

Seremi de Salud de Valparaíso asserts that the new summaries of a secret party in Cachagua are not being ignored and that 57 people are already infected

A total of 57 injured and 157 close contacts They are the ones that so far the health authorities in Valparaiso have been able to identify in relation to Secret parties held in Cathagua, Zapallar, Amid the coronavirus pandemic.

That’s what Cirque Healthier Fifth District, Francisco Alvarez, indicated in a conversation with Radio Tele13 where he mentioned that “Work is continuing, and we are continuing to investigate and collect precedents to be able to develop new summaries, if necessary, for the organizers of these events. At least we already have two summaries in progress and will be completed very soon so that we can sanction them. ”

Al-Sirimi also referred to the problems they faced due to the lack of information from the attendees or false statements about them, which prevented the possibility of good tracking.

According to the first records the Public Prosecutor handled, there are 30 people who will fail to provide information. Among them are strange cases: people who refuse to respond rightfully, and others are denied, injured, their participation in the party, despite their appearance in the videos participating in the event. Added to this are the young men who refuse to undergo the examination and the mother who has denied knowing her son.

In that regard, Alvarez said The main difficulty was the inconsistencies in the interviews we had with people. First, these young people say that they did not participate in parties, and some say, “These are my close contacts,” others say, “I do not have close contact.” And still others say that they have never interacted with anyone and that they are in close contact with another Person”.

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“We have met parents like their children, and they don’t give us much information. This worries us because they either have no idea what their kids are doing or they don’t want to cooperate.”

Along the same lines he added that “It seems to us that it is incomprehensible and irresponsible that they are not providing us with information because what we are doing with this information is saving lives. If we achieve sufficient traceability, we can isolate and monitor all infected people, not just infected people. “

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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