She is the beautiful actress and model who joins the Neighbors staff | Pictures

She is the beautiful actress and model who joins the Neighbors staff |  Pictures

This Sunday, April 4, the tenth season of the popular series arrives Neighbour, Across stars.

The successful program, which has been on the air for 16 years, is one of the dear ones of the Mexican audience, not only because of the plot that reflects everyday life; Also for the characters that won the hearts of the viewers.

Depending on the product Elias Solorio, in a Neighbour Getting together with the actors, for many years, was not easy but still there was a camaraderie, which was a success in the same production.

New neighbor

The tenth season will hold many surprises for the fans. Among them, the arrival of the actress stands out Yael Duval.

Through her social networks, the model has also announced that she will be joining a team Neighbour. What we know so far about her character is that her name is Aurora and presumably a maid.

Speculation about his involvement, on the part of his followers, suggests that he could be the better half of German, The character that gives life Especially Spain.

What is Yassel Duvall

Yael Duvall in addition to being an actress is a host and model. On his Instagram account, he shares his decent lifestyle as well as his passion for traveling in Mexico.


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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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