Six pieces of pre-Spanish Central America are sold in France

Six pieces of pre-Spanish Central America are sold in France

Auction House Drott Selling six Pre-Hispanic pieces It arose in the current territory of Veracruz, Jalisco and Nayarit and collected for them more than 7 thousand euros, which, according to the current exchange rate, is equivalent to just over 185 thousand pesos.

Drouot sold out Pre-Columbian African Art From different civilizations, during an auction of 177 items, six of which correspond to pieces that would have been made by the cultures that inhabited the present-day Mexican lands.

The blocks were in batches of 40, 41, 42, 43, 46 and 47. They were intended to sell between 300 and 2,500 euros, the maximum limit exceeded by selling lot 43, which amounted to 2,800 euros (67,000 euros). 900 pesos) without tax.

Piece 43 was an ax representing the face of a god from Veracruz, described by Drew as a piece 24 cm high and 21 cm wide, dating from the classical period of Mesoamerica.


The auction took place in Hall 15 of the Drouot Hotel in Paris, France. The second most highly regarded piece in Central America was Piece 47: a statue of a woman sitting on a bench that would have been made by a culture from Nayarit.

The statue, 54 cm high and 25 cm wide, which was described as suffering “minor accidents” and “good general condition”, was sold for 2,500 euros (60,625 pesos) excluding taxes.

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In general, the six pieces were small sculptures, such as piece 42: a headdress in the shape of a face, about 13.5 cm high and 14 cm wide. It sold for 350 euros, which is just over 8,000 pesos, excluding taxes.

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Drouot came three days after Subasta “Quetzalcoatl: a feathered snake” Organized by Christie’s, 32 pieces were sold from Central America, including three that were classified by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) as “counterfeit”.

INAH reports that due to Christie’s auction, she has filed complaints with the Public Prosecutor’s Office (FGR); However, EL UNIVERSAL repeatedly requested information about the actions taken by Drouot’s auction, although no response was obtained.


Aygen Marsh

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