Social contact is essential to mental health – medical news

Social contact is essential to mental health – medical news

Effective mental health programs for those with chronic health problems during the pandemic based on social engagement, responsibility, trust and resilience.


The 2020 global COVID-19 outbreak has exposed and exacerbated mental health threats in all societies. Research has indicated that people with chronic physical health conditions are at high risk of developing serious illness from COVID-19 and the negative consequences of public health responses to COVID-19, such as social isolation. This article reports the results of a rapid, factual review conducted in conjunction with a scope review to explore contextual factors and underlying or driving mechanisms associated with effective mental health interventions within and between levels of the large and intermediate microsystems of chronically ill individuals. physical health.

This quick, factual review attracted 14 studies classified in 11 countries and identified four key mechanisms from the COVID-19 literature: trust, sociability, responsibility, and resilience. These mechanisms are discussed in relation to contextual factors and outcomes reported in the COVID literature. Realistic reviews include frequent searches to improve program theories, interpretations of results, and context mechanisms. An intentional search of factual pre-COVID reviews on the study subject was conducted, looking for evidence of the strength of these mechanisms.

There were differences in some of the pre-COVID mechanisms due to contextual factors. Importantly, an additional mechanism, power sharing, has been highlighted in the pre-COVID literature, but is absent in the COVID literature. Pre-existing factual reviews were used to identify potential objective theories and models associated with key mechanisms. Based on the aggregate findings, implications for mental health promotion policy, practice, and research are provided.

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People with chronic health conditions are also more likely to develop mental health issues, an issue that has intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers from Canada and the United Kingdom have discovered “best practices” To meet the needs of this population.

The findings of their study were outlined, a quick review of articles examining mental health programs in 10 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, China, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, France and Spain. Five main elements Shared for successful health interventions: social communication, flexibility, responsibility, trust, and shared authority.

“These mechanisms are interconnected and necessary to develop effective mental health interventions at all levels and will foster positive relationships among stakeholders,” says Ben Collins, Education Specialist, Rady College of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, which may increase the risk of creating and implementing policies that produce less effective interventions for those Most at risk of COVID-19. “

The research team’s rapid review examined publications in English and Chinese that reported key components of successful mental health interventions during the epidemic for people with chronic physical health conditions. A wide range of programmes, including telehealth interventions and the use of FaceTime with Alzheimer’s patients, have been studied. It contradicted the pre-pandemic literature.

“While public health measures are necessary to manage the spread of COVID-19, social distancing It can have negative mental health effects, particularly for those with chronic health conditions,” says Lorna Stabler, research associate at Cardiff University and lead author of the review. To maintain and enhance mental health, Social contact is essential. Although we can all have it Zoom stressFor some, finding ways to stay connected may be a key component in keeping our health on track during a pandemic.”

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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