Space for the elderly

Space for the elderly

Youth U Ayodo Foundation Organize a meeting with the elderly on Saturday, March 13th, at 5:00 pm, which aims to: Offers grandparents from different families unforgettable moments, With their actual grandchildren or “borrowers”.

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Solidarity exists in Chonchi

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The idea was born due to the pandemicElderly people ejaculated sometimes, Either because of fear of infection or because family members have priorities related to their traditional occupations, and this breeds anxiety in them.

In the appointment the young people belong to the church Glory to God, the Trinity, they hope to give “an enjoyable time” For the participants of the meeting to be held at the temple facilities located in the Pasteur Fira sector, Complex 1991, Solar Energy 18.

Javier and Lloyd Navas coordinate the event, which the ministry has promoted since its inception, and was approved by the same nameYu Ayodo, through which they seek to help the community in various issues, In addition to delivering a message of hope to every meeting.

The elderly feel withdrawn, they are locked up at home. We do not visit them … We want to remind them that they are important in our lives.

Javier Navas is a member of U Ayudo

In the activity that will respect the spacingThe official inauguration of the Ministry will take place, Although there have been some solidarity agendas since inception, Organizers say.

Twelve people are actively participating in the group and all young people who wish to be part of the group can, Call Navas.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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