space problems? Google wants you to archive apps

space problems?  Google wants you to archive apps

Using most of our cell phone storage is causing a huge problem, and it’s not just performance. This situation forces us to delete many applications, at least the heaviest, to reclaim a little more space on our devices.

The good news is that Android is developing a system so we don’t have to decide which app to delete. Google has stated that it will start working on a new feature that will allow you to uninstall part of the app, so that it is not removed entirely. According to the technology, this will allow to get 60 percent of the space they use.

Instead of uninstalling an app, users can ‘archive’ it and temporarily free up some space and reactivate the app quickly and easily. Developers can take advantage of fewer uninstalls and significantly reduce the friction to go back to their favorite apps. Location official.

With this useful tool, a person can delete a part of the application and save it on the phone until they want to use it again. At that time, you will have to update it and in this way you will also be able to keep the information you had before in memory.

The company intends to make this feature available on Android devices this year. “One of the main reasons users uninstall apps is to free up some space. To prevent unnecessary uninstalls and help users get more out of their devices, we’ve started working on a new feature that allows you to archive apps.

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allOptions[groupK][k] = options[groupK][k]; }); } }); } else { allOptions = options; }

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window.DTOptions = { get: get, getAll: getAll, set: set, del: del, }; }());

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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