Take the stage out of a dark, isolated box space

Take the stage out of a dark, isolated box space

Denise Smith: What happened in FIBA ​​was an obsession, all in unconventional settings starting with performances made in theaters, to black boxes, and it had to be removed. The one that captured the most was the Boyscout that we did in the woods. I think that’s the reason I was called up by the city government because in the group of shows they had a long journey and they are, for example, able to catch the virus. An effort is made so that the culture is as accessible to everyone as possible.

Q. What is your trilogy topic?

DS: Collected over the years, and I didn’t plan for it. I started working with articles related to the autobiography and stories from my private life. The first was “Negra”, which was about the late grief that befell me with the death of my grandmother, who left when I was 23 years old and started working four years later. The work depends on everything I wanted to save in part of my relationship with her. It has music, which is what connects the three works. It is also related to meditation and with transforming experiences that were not fully illuminated into something. Boyscout is all about bullying and won Argentores. It’s about what I experienced in my teens even though I’m running and trying to make it fancy. In the original version it happened in the field of hanging ropes and now in the Savory Museum and Patio de los Naranjos del Recoleta, so there is something about real space interference that would be very wise. “A hug hug” has to do with the day you find out that your ex is dating someone and then break up.

Q: A large part of the quarantine has passed in Madrid, how does the culture live there in the shadow of an epidemic?

DS: Theaters in Madrid are full, and there is the same slogan that runs through everything that was applied here later: “Culture is safe, theater is safe”. No cases have been reported of people becoming infected from going to the theater. There are people who yearn to return to life, the streets are full, and the people are outside. The intensive care units did not collapse until recently. Now they are more complicated, then they are more careful. The intention of the people and politics is to try to live with this, not prevent us. The spirit is, let’s go ahead with this, let’s not stop because people have turned against them due to economic complications, which are useless in comparison with ours. I went to see a show recently, Farinia, based on a book and series. It’s modern, Lola Arias style, Biodrama is modern, very functional yet full of people. It’s like going to a circus but there was a huge crowd.

Q. How did you receive your business in Madrid?

DSThe answer was similar to the answer I usually have in Argentina. Although humor has some local features, eight out of ten, eight do, and two don’t. Emotionally, 80% of the audience cried at the end, so I’d say it worked. I would have dizzy if people came but it turned out to be very good. The idea is to launch Gloria in April and others in September, so there is, smooth sailing.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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