Techo Colombia and Aire Fresco team up to improve the mental health of its employees

Techo Colombia and Aire Fresco team up to improve the mental health of its employees

Sofia Solorzano C – [email protected]

With the aim of promoting mental health in the country, Techo and Airefresco have announced a new alliance with it Meditation app in Spanish It will provide its tools.

According to Airefresco, this link will help boost resilience, boost productivity, and manage anxiety and stress for all of the people who make up the Techo ecosystem.

“One of Techo’s many challenges is trying to mitigate the overwhelming impact of the harsh reality of informal settlements on the mental health of volunteers, their staff, and their beneficiaries,” he commented. Daniel Martinez, General Manager Bogota Headquarters Teco Colombia.

Similarly, the organizations emphasized that one of the elements they decided to work on was the relationship between the state of poverty, which affects more than 104 million people in Latin America, and depression.

“In alliance with Techo, we seek to transform this vicious circle and turn it into a virtuous circle where, if we improve people’s mental outlook and resilience, we can increase the possibility of upward movement, to improve their economic situation and get out of poverty,” concluded Victor Cotten, founder of Airefresco.

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Izer Hector

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