The 5th GranadaConectada Forum will analyze new trends in science, technology, business and innovation

The 5th GranadaConectada Forum will analyze new trends in science, technology, business and innovation

New trends in science, technology, business and innovation will be analyzed by important experts at the 5th Forum Granada, a project developed by business organizations in Granada to contribute ideas and development strategies to the progress of Granada and its province. This new symposium “Among the Knowers” – as the initiative’s slogan says – will take place this Thursday, April 7, starting at 11:00 am, at Metropolitan Park in Escozar. Granada He chose this scenario, as it represents an essential enclave for the present and the future as the site of the IFMIF-DONES project, the most important at the scientific and technological level in Spain, which will attract significant investments. The topics of this fifth forum will be of interest and the impact of the particle accelerator on Granada in terms of generating wealth and employment, as an infrastructure for research into materials that will make possible future nuclear fusion reactors and inexhaustible energy. They will discuss other issues such as cyber and cloud security, and whether there is sufficient infrastructure, financing and synergies in Granada to develop these new directions or whether training is being taken care of and talent is attracted. A special section will be devoted to the paramount importance of artificial intelligence, for which Granada is a benchmark, and the horizon being drawn for the future. To analyze and discuss these key issues, in this fifth forum of Granada Important experts in these matters will be present, just in case María Jesus Almazur, Executive Director of Cyber ​​Security and Cloud Telefónica Tech; Enrique Herrera Viedma, Vice President for Research and Transformation at the University of Granada and Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence; and Marcelo Vazquez, CEO of TM System Call Center, President of Infoautónomos and President of Círculo Tecnológico de Granada. journalist and broadcaster Jose Yalamo The moderator of this prestigious panel will be speakers as well as other notable personalities such as Pilar Aranda, Dean of the University of Granada; Carlos Alegildri Lucilla, Director General of CIEMAT; Ignacio Cuerva, CEO, Cuerva Group; Julián Jiménez, Director of SPGI Customer Success, IBM; Aitor Venus, Senior Advisor to the T-System.

Entrepreneurs and CaixaBank

Gerardo Cuerva, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Granada (CCG) and Confederation of Businessmen of Granada (CGE)as implementing entities of this initiative that includes businessmen in the strategic promotion of the province, highlights this new topic “We are immersed in the search for the Granada of the future, in how to create and enhance the features of our city and the province so that they become attractive places for investment, study, establishment of companies, visit or simply to be The best place to live. And in that strategic plan, when thinking about Granada, science, innovation and technology are essential aspects. And among them, talent as a necessary raw material.” Juan Ignacio Zafra, Director of CaixaBank in Eastern Andalusiathe entity that provides Granada And he leads it with business establishments, asserting that “Granada is known throughout the world for its culture, heritage, gastronomy, university or nature. But we are working to make it that way from the point of view of science, innovation or technology. Projects like particle accelerator or Artificial Intelligence IALab They are, without a doubt, a great reference for Granada where we all want to generate more wealth, more jobs and more progress for everyone.” The promoters of the initiative wanted, once again, to thank the unconditional support of rosilimac Sponsor of all forums Granada; Metropolitan Park in Escozzar and Varmel, As specific sponsors of the New Trends Forum; Andalusian Military Council, Granada Provincial Council, Granada City Council and Escuzar City Council, as collaborators; And the Prodesa and Mercedes-Benz Granada Premiumas official suppliers of the event.

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Visit Metropolitan Park

Due to the enormous importance of the province and its strategic impact in the future, Club Camara, of the Chamber of Commerce of Granada, organized a tour of the Metropolitan Park of Escozzar for the attendees before the start of the Forum, where they will visit ROVI, Auxiliary Companies Area, UGR – Particle Accelerator, LIDL Logistic Center and other points Where will go very important logistics centers.

Fifth Forum

This forum on new trends in science, technology, business and innovation is the fifth to be held Granadaafter these Sports, tourism, gastronomy, health, agribusiness and water. Three left to finish this first edition: Culture, Communication, Advertising and EconomyTo be held in the coming weeks. We must remember that once all Forums Granada, a report will be written with the most important conclusions drawn with the opinions and advice of all the experts who participated. This document will be handed over by businessmen to those responsible for the various departments so that they can put it into practice for the future development of Granada and its province.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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