The Bogotá Council will open a space for dialogue on Saturday in Bolivar Square

The Bogotá Council will open a space for dialogue on Saturday in Bolivar Square

They will open the microphones for five minutes for each protestor

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The President of the Council, Maria Fernanda Rojas, announced that from 9:00 am there will be a plenary session. The idea of ​​the lobbyists is to be able to speak with some of the people who have gone out these days to protest on the streets of the capital.

The Bogota Council She will have a special session on Saturday. For the first time, the company’s headquarters will “move” to Bolivar Square, one of the usual meeting points for mobilization that has been taking place for more than a week in the capital. This announcement was made by the President of the Council, Maria Fernanda Rojas (Alianza Verdi), during a previous work of the session last Thursday, in which he called on the members of the Council from all seats to dialogue and seek a coordinated solution to the crisis facing the country now. .

The goal of raising the Council’s activity to Bolivar Plaza Is that the 45 lobbyists are listening to people who have taken to the streets these days. Even more than a regular session, what is required is to create a spontaneous space between advisers and the citizens, to give a voice to people who wish to express their reasons for maintaining the mobilization within the framework of the national strike.

The Open City Hall will take place at 9:00 am, when the official registration for council members begins. Then there will be space for a group of people in Bolivar Square who want to express their opinions about the situation Colombia is going through. According to Councilor Rojas, since there will definitely be many more people who will be in the field that day, the idea is to open the microphone for up to five minutes per person.

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“This is a time when there should be many spaces for dialogue. That is why the council will meet from Bolivar Square to listen to the young people who have participated in the democratic demonstrations these days and the sectors that have disagreements and propose changes,” said the council president.

On her part, Gloria Diaz, the Conservative Party advisor and second vice-president, stressed that the idea of ​​the council is to create dialogue scenarios in which “the common denominators that allow us to talk about democracy” are taken into account. The account. During the activity, a lobbyist called on the audience to prioritize talking about de facto methods. “We must find an opportunity to open up ways to find solutions to the events that bother us today.”

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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