The Central Military Hospital and 44 health institutions join the telehealth network | News

The Central Military Hospital and 44 health institutions join the telehealth network |  News

In order to provide continuity of health care to the population, the Central Military Hospital was established. The Ministry of Health (MINSA) reported that Luis Arias Schreiber and 44 health institutions from six regions have joined the National Telehealth Network to provide telehealth services with the help of technology.

In this way, health institutions in the regions of Callao, Ankash, Cajamarca, Pasco, Puno and Tacna will strengthen their problem-solving capacity with a focus on the first level of care.

The National Health Network (RNT) is a group of health institutions that provide, develop and implement telehealth axes such as providing health services (telemedicine), health services management (remote management), and enhancing health workers’ capabilities (tele-training) and information. Education and communication to the population on healthy lifestyles (remote information) and other matters related to the application of ICTs.

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During the Foundation Ceremony, which was held roughly, the Head of the General Directorate of Telehealth, References and Emergency Services (Digtel) in Minsa, Liliana Ma CardenasHe welcomed the fact that RNT continues to grow across the country in the midst of the pandemic, connecting tier 1 facilities, which act as advisory centers; With the most complex hospitals and institutes located in the capital.

In turn, the regional president of Cajamarca, Messias Guevara, highlighted the efforts of his administration to link 300 health institutions in alliance with MINSA and private companies, in order to promote telehealth in his region, in addition to promoting the implementation of electronic and digital medical records. Applications.

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Later, gral. Herbert Davila Ramirez, Director of the Central Military Hospital, celebrated that his institution implements telehealth services, thus joining the national efforts to provide health, especially to its military residents, who are located in anti-vandal bases and guard posts.

He reaffirmed his commitment to support the strengthening of the national health system.

America Zhang Yue, executive director of telemedicine, also participated in the ceremony. José Guillermo Morales de la Cruz, Director of Derissa Ancache; Jhoel Apaza Bellido, Deputy Director of Diresa Callao; Rigoberto Robles Camarena, Acting Executive Director of Health for the Residents of Derisa Callao, among other authorities.

Currently, 2,441 public health institutions across the country are incorporated into RNT, which is under the leadership, regulation and evaluation of Minsa.

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Izer Hector

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