The club has a new music space that can be converted into a stadium.

The club has a new music space that can be converted into a stadium.

The club has a lot of competition A big company that wants to have a live audio space, but can go ahead in a certain way. The company launched a new music space that could make it a better place to play and listen to live music before then. An entry has been reported by Amazon To that space and Twitter The introduction of “flag countries” began Where musicians can also host shows. Spotify also has its own live audio app.

If you are a Clubhouse musician or love to listen to live music in the app, the new Music Mode “improves the Clubhouse to transmit your music in high quality and excellent stereo sound”, Company blog post. The club doesn’t tell you what high quality means, but it also mentions that you can now plug in professional devices like a USB microphone or mixing console and use it while broadcasting. The club added surround sound in late August.Make conversations look more like a crowded room than a continuous voice call.

GIF de Clubhouse

To easily activate Music mode, tap the three dots in the upper right corner of the room, select Sound Quality, and tap Music. However, if you just want to listen to the show, you don’t have to do anything about it, just sit back and enjoy stereo sound from your headphones, speakers, or phone.

The club also noted that the recently introduced Clips feature: Allowing you to record 30 seconds – It also supports stereo sound, so if you choose to record part of your presentation in music mode, the sound quality will remain the same. Music mode will initially only be available on iOS, but Clubhouse says an Android launch will follow soon.

In addition to the music room, the club has also updated its search functions. The platform now displays the search bar in a more convenient place at the top of the hall. and add a plus sign, You can also greet your friends Right from the search bar, the feature allows you to quickly invite friends to the live audio room.

Amazon is far from the only live audio competition in the Clubhouse. Maybe the club learned last year when Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and even Spotify have created their own versions of voice chat rooms. All of this came at a time when the club was still in guest-only status, making it difficult for the app to grow. But now that the app is booming, Clubhouse wants to keep as many benefits as possible.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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