The Committee of the Ministry of Justice establishes a space for dialogue and development in Cotabambas | News

The Committee of the Ministry of Justice establishes a space for dialogue and development in Cotabambas |  News

The Directorate General of Public Defense and Access to Justice, of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (MINJUSDH), this week in Cotapampas set up a space for dialogue for the development of the population in the area of ​​influence of the Las Pampas mine. Project in the district of Apurimac.

This is Sub-Working Group 1 on Justice and Human Rights, which monitors and ensures access to justice for the citizens of this sector of the country.

In addition, in the minutes signed in the city of Bissakasa, the Ministry of Justice and Fundamental Freedoms promised to conduct human rights training in coordination with social organizations and within the framework of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights.

The law takes into account the concerns of other communities and has been signed by the Director General of Public Defense and Access to Justice, Zoila Macavilca Roman, along with representatives of the national government, as well as the local governments of Mara, Haqueira, Quilorki and Cotapampas, and members of civil society from the Cotabambas and Grau provinces.

At the meeting, Zoila Macavilca Roman and Luis Minyan Valdivia from the Mingus State Department of Health, spoke about the progress the entity has made in fulfilling the commitments adopted in the development of the sessions held in 2019.

The team, led by Macavielka, also expressed the Foundation’s commitment to continuing to sponsor judicial processes related to the context of social conflict. He also stated that the Public Defense would issue a complete and detailed report on it.

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The signatories to the law, joined by representatives of Minera Las Bambas, will continue the dialogue to meet the requirements of the Cotabambas and Progreso organizations and communities in the Apurímac region.

It should be noted that the installation was carried out in accordance with the biosafety procedures that have been used throughout our country due to the current situation of covid-19.


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Publication date: 12/2/2021

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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