The court rejects the electoral appeal of the former Aguadilla mayor

The court rejects the electoral appeal of the former Aguadilla mayor

the judge Rebecca de Leon Rios He rejected the electoral appeal filed by the former mayor of Aguadilla Yanitsya Irizari, In which the intention was to invalidate more than 50 mixed ballot papers that allegedly did not comply with the provisions of this type of ballot.

“In agreement with what was said and given the fact that the validity of the contested mixed ballot papers were issued, there are no allegations in the lawsuit that, if deemed valid, indicate that the result of the election of the mayor of Aguadilla may change in favor of the appellant Yanitsia Irizarry Méndez, the testimony has been confirmed Issued by CEE that the declared mayor is elected Julio Roldan ConcepcionDe Leon Rios decided.

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According to the text of the sentence, Irezari stated in his lawsuit that 1,408 mixed ballot papers were awarded in the municipal elections, “which may be null.”

The former mayor argued in novoprogresista that ballot papers that had a mark under the insignia of the party but in which the voter did not place additional marks next to any candidate from that community should be invalidated.

In these cards, seats for which the voter did not specify any of them are awarded to the party candidate on whom the badge is placed.

“In support of its containment (Erizary), he said that many officials noticed during public scrutiny that more than fifty (50) municipal ballots did not meet the definition of mixed voting in the election law and were thus decided upon,” the court ruling indicates.

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According to the decision of the court judge San Juan CourtIrezari sought to nullify voices that did not necessarily conform to the description of well-known “axes”. In pivazos, the voter votes for a badge but marks other party candidates for all the seats on the ballot.

Text file Election law The pivotal vote, which gained prominence in the state ballot in 2004, is nullified when a running for governor is decided in favor Anibal Acevedo Villa.

De León Ríos chose to go into the advantages of the Irizarry Challenge, rejecting Roldán Concepción’s argument that the former mayor had not duly notified candidates for the municipal legislature. The judge decided that Roldán Concepción, as the contested candidate, must be notified within the five-day period stipulated in the election law.

The judge also set aside the mayor’s new suggestion that Irezari’s appeal was aimed at challenging the “adjudication order,” because the former family secretary, in December, requested a judicial review of the administrative decision. State Elections Commission (CEE) That validated mixed voices.

At that time, the San Juan court did not enter into the merits of the lawsuit because Irezari did not list as defendants all the candidates for mayor of Aguadilla and because we “concluded that our authority to settle disagreements regarding mixed votes began as soon as the scrutiny ended and the winning candidate was confirmed, which was not Happen or occur “.

According to results available on the Central and Eastern European portal, Roldán Concepción, from People’s Democratic Party, Had 8,845 votes, defeating Erezary by only forty votes.

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Aygen Marsh

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