The importance of scientific journalism in combating disinformation | press

The importance of scientific journalism in combating disinformation |  press

Seminar for journalists


What role does science journalism play in combating misinformation? What are the components of public engagement in reliable science news? What could have a real impact on the current Spanish landscape of science journalism?

The European Parliament will be held in Madrid next Friday, May 20 at 11:30 am Seminar for journalists under the name ‘Scientific journalism and disinformation: a battle to win the public’s trust’. The seminar will be held at the headquarters of European institutions in Spain.Paseo de la Castellana, 46. 28046 Madrid).

The symposium targets journalists, communicators and scientific researchers, and will address various issues such as The role of science journalism in combating misinformationthe measures that can be implemented to Bring reliable scientific news closer to the publicamong other things.

With the participation of the Director of Research in Science and Society at the Pew Research Center (USA), Carrie Funk; Director of the Scientific Media Center in Spain, Pampa Garcia Molinadirector of the “El País” department Patricia Fernandez de LisProfessor of Biological Physics at the University of Oxford, Sonia Conterra. Lead the scientific journalist debate Michele Catanzaro.

MEP . will also participate Lina Galvez (S&D) and European Center for Science and Media Representative in the European Parliament Vitalpa CrivelloSeminar organizer.

The aim of this seminar is: Investigating the challenges of science journalism in combating misinformation To educate information professionals about the role of the platform European Center for Scientific Information (ESMH) and the activities of the Committee on the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) of the European Parliament.

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You can also follow the symposium through Youtube and the platform Zoom.

a program

11:30 – 11:40 you’re welcome Lina Galvez Munoz (S&D, Spain), a member of European Parliament, and Marie AndrewDirector of the EP office in Spain.

11:40 – 11:50 “European Science-Media Hub”, by Vitalpa CrivelloESM.

11:50 – 12:50 Discussion of the speakers

Carrie FunkDirector of Science and Society Research at the Pew Research Center
Patricia Fernandez de Listopic manager, “El País”
Pampa Garcia MolinaEditor-in-Chief of “Agencia SINC” and Director of “Science Media Center” Spain
Sonia ConterraProfessor of Biophysics at the University of Oxford and Senior Fellow at Oxford Martin School

Mediator: Michele Catanzaroscience journalist (El, Nature, ESMH)

12:50 – 13:20 question session

13:20 – 13:30 Conclusions

A panel for the future of science and technology (STOA)

European Center for Scientific Media (ESMH)

Izer Hector

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