The incredible salary of Carlos III as King of England

The incredible salary of Carlos III as King of England

Mexico City /

with creation Charles III How much is yours England The ranks of the kings return to view, the English crown shared how much a wage who receives both the king and other family members.

If something is always thought of along with the word property, it is a very typical way of accumulating wealth, and not just prejudice, because Historically the king I always enjoyed a lot more luxury than the bad guys and the city in general.

We have this data thanks to leaks British press It is worth noting that these figures do not include (according to Forbes) the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the deceased’s property. Queen Isabel II.

a wage King Charles III It will be the same that the deceased queen realized Isabel IIsome 98 million euros annuallyWhat has been translated? 8 million and 100 thousand euros per month, which is more than the Mexican peso 170 million per month.

Thanks to the inheritance the king received from his mother, she also inherited the crown in her time Exempt from paying taxes.

The new ones The Dukes of Camilla and Carlos You will receive approximately 22 million eurosPrinces William and Kate will also receive new income for being Kings of Wales.

The royal family gets its income from the assets that everyone owns but also from the assets UK People’s Taxes.

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Aygen Marsh

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