The logistic company searches for space: from the golf course to the warehouse

The logistic company searches for space: from the golf course to the warehouse

The logistic company searches for space: from the golf course to the warehouse

The logistician is looking for space. After the emergence of e-commerce with the pandemic, many logistics operators are looking for land to settle their ships. In the United States, I found companies Large areas not built and close to residential or commercial areasGolf courses:

UPS plans to build 92,000 square meters of logistical warehouse in Philadelphia on land previously occupied by a golf course. Another sports stadium in Portland, Oregon, built in 1930 and closed last year, will become the Industrial warehouse of 32,000 square meters Raised by Prologis.

Another distribution giant who has sought to get its space on the big green paths is Amazon. The company will build a center for Fulfillment, fulfillment On land now occupied by a golf course in Alcoa, Tennessee, it is already building 350,000 square meters warehouse, And shares 450,000 square meters of space occupied by Liverpool Public Golf and Country Club located in New York State.

Golf saw a 14% increase in the number of players last year due to the pandemic. However, in the United States, about 2,400 golf courses have closed since 2006 and have five million fewer players than in 2005, while online commerce has skyrocketed last year.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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