The Ministry of Science has submitted a new call for research projects on gender and diversity

The Ministry of Science has submitted a new call for research projects on gender and diversity
The Ministry of Science has introduced a new initiative to promote developments focused on gender and diversity
The Ministry of Science has introduced a new initiative to promote developments focused on gender and diversity

Submit a new call for research projects on gender and diversity. It was Monday, September 27 at 5:00 pm at the Scientific and Technological Pole, where the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation was Daniel FilmusIn partnership with the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta and head of the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (R + D + i Agency), Fernando Pieranonew foot An initiative aimed at promoting research projects on gender and diversity.

During the meeting, Minister Filmus signed a resolution promoting a special invitation for research projects.Races and Diversity: Knowledge for Changing Perspectives and Expanding Rightswhich will be implemented by Agencia I + D + i.

The ad was accompanied by more than 50 social and research shops They have been involved in this new field in various roles in the multiple activities that will be implemented from today and throughout 2022.

Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta (left) signs with the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Velmos (right) the new call for research projects on gender and diversity (Argentina Ministry of Science)
Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta (left) signs with the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Velmos (right) the new call for research projects on gender and diversity (Argentina Ministry of Science)

The special invitation will be developed under the Project Directed Research Method (PICTO) and will have an investment of 50 million pesos. Projects will be selected and evaluated against criteria related to relevance and academic excellence.

The goal of advocacy is to produce new scientific knowledge in the service of a society with greater equality, more rights and more opportunities.

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Members of the advisory committee chaired by the CONICET researcher also attended. Dora Barrancossocial reference, Mariana Karvajal, researchers Soledad DesiAnd Marisa HerreraAnd Sandra CarlyAnd Graciela MorgidAnd Alejandra ZeniAnd Silvia LomascoloAnd Carolina Spataro, members of the Advisory Board of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity and a member of the Board of Directors of the I + D + i Agency, Paula Linjeta.

The initiative aims to promote research projects on gender and diversity
The initiative aims to promote research projects on gender and diversity

This initiative is part of the Gender Program implemented by MINCYT, CONICET and R+D+i Agency, which includes a set of ongoing actions on this topic.

In the show, Minister Highlights of Daniel Filmus: “I am centrally concerned about why current regulations are not being complied with, which is something we have progressed in, and lagged behind in everyday behaviors. This is the central focus. What is happening in the culture of our societies. We must think seriously about this issue and deepen the aspects that bother, hurt and worry so that politicians and managers have better tools to explain what we are doing wrong, and what we are not doing well or need to deepen.“.

The Ministry of Science has launched a new call for research projects on gender and diversity (Argentine Ministry of Science)
The Ministry of Science has launched a new call for research projects on gender and diversity (Argentine Ministry of Science)

The authorities confirmed that the purpose of the call was Producing new scientific knowledge within the framework of the centralization that the government has to study the discriminatory mechanisms that prevent progress in conditions of greater equality and the need to develop strategies that contribute to public policies to expand rights and opportunities.

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This action is part of the Gender Program implemented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Conicet and R + D + i Agency, which includes a set of ongoing actions on this topic.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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