The Ministry of Science will contribute four million to twelve Castilla y León companies to business R & D & I projects

The Ministry of Science will contribute four million to twelve Castilla y León companies to business R & D & I projects

The Center for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) of the Ministry of Science and InnovationIn Castilla y León, just over four million euros will be allocated to carrying out dozens of R&D and innovation projects. sum, These are initiatives that will have induced investment, other than government aid, of 5.6 million euros.

The call includes approval in Spain of 153 new R&D and innovation projects with a total budget of 102.22 million euros, of which the CDTI will contribute an amount of 77.51 and include a non-refundable tranche of 16.78 million euros.

Thus, 11.7 percent of the public agency’s contribution is conditional on the contribution of some guarantee (in the form of guarantees, 10.2 percent and as collateral, 1.5 percent). Likewise, 22.4 percent of the contribution is exempt from guarantees due to COVID-19 measures.

Of the total budget for this type of project, that is 102.22 million, Madrid absorbs almost a quarter, 25 million euros, followed by Catalonia, 17.4 million, Andalusia, 14.5, the Basque Country, 10.3 million, and then Comunidad. Valenciana, with a score of 10.1. Castilla y León is the sixth autonomous community in receiving this type of money, with 5.6 million.

Of the ten developments approved in Castilla y León, two are related to the health sector, three to food, one to new technologies and four to the purely industrial segment. In Spain, the green light has also been given to initiatives related to health emergencies to research and develop products to mitigate the disease caused by the COVID-19 infection.

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In this sense, the biggest budget is the one led by Palencia Infoyma, with € 1.3m (with nearly € 1m from CDTI), to invest in innovative flatline plywood lumber for board molding line. Segovian Plásticos Riaza, with € 1.29 million (970,500 public contribution), is also emerging for the acquisition of new industrial machinery for recycling and converting plastic waste.

Among the rest, Orange Spain is attracting attention, for a cybersecurity laboratory, which will be unified thanks to a budget of nearly 600,000 euros (322,000 from CDTI); Construcciones Eléctricas Jara from Salamanca (€ 334,000), to implement new assets to improve production processes, Pescafacyl Burgos (€ 421,000), to develop new freezer models for raw materials; Leonesa Legumbres Penelas (€ 205,000), to improve production lines at its processing plant; Palencia Productos Solubles (€ 314,000), to develop soluble coffee that produces the aroma of ground coffee upon opening of the bottle and also to increase sustainability in the ‘packaging’ area.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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