The parties demand that the TSE not disclose consolidated votes during the counting process

The parties demand that the TSE not disclose consolidated votes during the counting process

VAMOS questions the party affiliation of those responsible for counting the night shift.

At least four rival political parties reject the Supreme Electoral Court's failure to inform residents of the progress of the legislative scrutiny process. Moreover, they reject that only a political party should devote itself to disseminating potential files to the Legislative Assembly, and not the Supreme Electoral Court.

Through the media affiliated with the ruling Nuevas Ideas party, such as Channel 10 and from the accounts of the Celestial Party, it was published that 19 seats will go to the Nuevas Ideas party, according to the current results.

The TSE, whose transparency and integrity have been strongly questioned, indicated in its Account

is reading: Spoiled ballots and votes that were recognized as valid were among the irregularities reported under scrutiny.

The Electoral Commission-enabled website does not display the total number of votes recorded by district, nor the distribution of congressional seats.

The “Arena” party believes that the fact that the results were not disclosed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange is another improvisation by the collective body.

“This is the same as this process was: improvisation, failure, and fraud. It is the first time that the court does not even have a network point to upload the results, the court only receives orders from the ruling party or publishes what it says,” said Carlos García Saada, president of Arena. It has the ruling party.”

“But the only culprits here are the presiding judge, Judge Guillermo Wellman, Judge Noel Orellana, Judge Ruben Melendez, and Judge Marlon Cornejo, who still do not show their faces,” the tricolored leader added.

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While VAMOS considers that the results are subject to the procedure through which they were obtained. The party indicated that there is a promise from the court that the results will be known in a transparent and timely manner.

“In none of our recent elections have we known the results in time as they were obtained, and even more so if we went administration by administration. “It cannot be the political parties that declare their victory without the court giving at least the result of the initial scrutiny.”

The Nuestro Tempo Party considers the lack of information about the progress of the counting process to be a debt owed to the citizens by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which did not happen with regard to the presidential election counting process, when there were screens to follow the development in real time.

“What the Supreme Electoral Tribunal owes to citizens is that the progress of the counting of votes by votes in the Legislative Assembly can be shared on the website, but we have no estimate of how the records will go, how the votes will be distributed.” “The seats are disappearing,” lamented Andy Weiler, president of Nuestro Tiempo.

For Nuestro Tiempo candidate Ramiro Navas, one of the key elements of the vetting process is transparency, but neither parties nor citizens will be able to scrutinize the transparency of the process if progress is not made in how it is conducted. He noted the progress made in each of the tables.

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For the FMLN, the lack of updating of the audit by the TSE generates uncertainty in the process. For Representative Dina Argueta, the lack of a unified agreement so far does not allow citizens and parties to understand how to determine the number of representatives to be accommodated.

“Why is it important to disclose and not just images or totals? Because that is where you can compare the data. “I am making this clarification because in some tables the cross-voting scores are not calculated and entered as they should be,” added Annabelle Peluso, representative of Efemelineista.

The parties request “at least” screens or a portal to follow the process transparently. The FMLN does not see sufficient elements to ensure transparency, support or oversight on the part of the Prosecutor's Office, as Judge Wellman stated.

About monitoring

The place where the vetting process is taking place is increasingly crowded with guards and New Ideas Party supporters, who spend their time sitting in the area designated for the press, applauding and shouting party slogans.

Judge Julio Olivo asked, through a statement, to regulate the presence of security guards for each party, because the excessive representation of only one person at the tables interferes with the audit. In addition, Olivo noted, “people unrelated to the audit were observed” at the tables.

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For its part, the Vamos party showed interest in the people who make up the scrutiny of the night sessions.

“Who are the people who work as data entry operators and facilitators as TSE delegates at the tables, especially on the night shift. Yesterday we witnessed a very large group of people who came to respond to the call made by the court, but we have reports that some political parties “It affected the recruitment of these people.”

Aygen Marsh

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