The plane had to go to AILA due to the narrowness of the Higüero . runway

The plane had to go to AILA due to the narrowness of the Higüero . runway

the Research The initial report on the plane crash that killed nine people, on December 14, shows that the plane had problems with the hydraulic brakes and was unable to land at El Higuero International Airport, from which it took off, due to restrictions on the plane. runway.

As explained by General Enmanuel Souffront Tamayo, Coordinator of the Research, the plane took off from El Higüero International Airport, and problems arose, they asked the carriers to return and tried to enter that station, but They couldn’t because the runway was too short.

“They took off, they had a control problem, they turned left, at first they told the carriers to return, they tried to enter the airport, but they could not operate the highly ventilated bays, the so-called flaps. When they turned on those flaps, they gave more resistance, but less control to the aircraft. And they decided to raise it and then they discussed where and what they would do and the final decision was to go to the Americas Airport, which was a much longer runway, in fact, it’s the longest runway in the Caribbean, except for Puerto Rico’s runway in Aguadillas,” Sofront explained.

The investigator reported that in El Higüero airport security videos, it could be seen that the left wing wing (the aerodynamic brakes on the wings that help brake when on the ground) had been retracted, while the right wing was on top. This was exactly what they were fit for the plane before the flight.

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Sufront Tamayo spoke at this Tuesday’s press conference Civil Aviation Council, based on findings from the plane’s black box recordings, which investigators have recovered and where conversations between pilots can be verified.

Dominican journalist, born in Santo Domingo, is an expert on the affairs of the Dominican community in the United States.

Aygen Marsh

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