The science behind Harry Potter’s sorting hat and the different characters for each house | entertainment

The science behind Harry Potter’s sorting hat and the different characters for each house |  entertainment

As any Harry Potter fan knows, Gryffindors are known for their bravery, Ravenklaus are intellectuals, Slytherin Macron, and Hufflepuff are loyal and hard-working. After all, The house you identify with should depend on your personality.

However, this is not quite the case if we talk about films. If so, Neville Longbottom would be Hufflepuff and Hermione Granger A Ravenclaw. And it is that if we talk about the epic, then the sorting hat is based on the following theory: The house in which you are ranked has absolutely nothing to do with your personality, but with the traits you value most and what you can be.

After putting this into context, let’s put the magic aside and get into real life, because according to several studies, The official website of this saga is called Wizard Worldwho offers us The possibility of passing through the Sorting Hat, takes into account our decisions in the test to allocate us, as users, to one home or another.

Pottermore, the extension of JK Rowling, is now called Wizard World

AndIn 2012, Pottermore was launched, at the time when the main series was ending. From the hands of its author, J.K. Rowling, this rather amazing interactive website has been rendered.

Rowling’s new writing about Harry Potter appeared and was linked to the release of all seven of the original books in electronic format. It was like Completes every movie of the sagawith little details about characters, places and much more. The Harry Potter encyclopedia was what Rowling always promised, but in digital form.

One of the great attractions of this site, which you had to go through if you wanted to access the rest of the content, was Sorting hat. Through a series of test questions, Hat assigned Pottermore users to one of the four Houses of Hogwarts: Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor.

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Over the years, Pottermore has never found its footing. The site changed its design and purpose several times and it didn’t really resonate with people like it did in the beginning. That’s why the site announced that it will transfer much of its content and functionality to website launched in summer 2019.

The new site features a Magical Passport, which allows users to store Hogwarts House, Patronus, Wand, etc. Whatever you have on the other site, it moves to the new site.

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J.K. Rowling gave her dad a custom first copy of Harry Potter, and you can sure guess what she did with the book

The character of every house at Hogwarts

Once we know the test and which website we are referring to, it should be noted Personality traits are relatively stable and enduring internal traits that make us different from, or similar to, others.. They describe how we are and how we interact with our environment and how it interacts with us.

But, What character is associated with each Hogwarts house? Let’s start from this base to delve into the character’s choice hat relationship.

One. Gryffindors are described as brave and daring Throughout the entire story. Psychological research shows that these traits are associated with multiple personality traits: extraversion, positivity, openness to experience, and creativity.

2. Hufflepuffs are described as loyal, fair, hardworking, kind and It relates to the concepts of justice and kindness in personality psychology, optimistic, hardworking, efficient, and orderly.

Which house does Hogwarts belong to?

Which house does Hogwarts belong to?

3. House Ravenclaw highly values ​​wisdom and willingness to learn new things. So we can assume that the students ranked in this house are usually People are willing to debate, solve problems and discuss different ideas.

4. And in the end, Slytherin. They are usually portrayed as villains. be Cunning, clever and they will do anything to achieve their goals.

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People associated with this personality type will score high in what is known as Dark Triad (sounds like science fiction), a psychological concept associated with three personality traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. The basis of the three traits of the Dark Triad is the tendency to dominate society and advance oneself.

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Now, knowing all this, let’s see why science, based on many psychological studies, considers this test to put you in one house or another, based on aspects of your personality with simple questions and not something ridiculous and without more to please the masses.

Which is that the authors of one of the studies, from 2015, we leave you Thenthey reported Significant correlations between personality characteristics and home affiliation, in line with the book’s images, Already explained.

It is important to note that the sorting hat test was not developed for any scientific purpose, and includes questions with ambiguous content such as “Sunrise or sunset?” s “heads or tails?”and others as complex as “If you went to Hogwarts, which pet would you choose to take with you?”with many options.

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Well, in this study, 132 web users were asked which house they were assigned to and then asked to solve various personality tests.

All homes confirmed the expected results except for Gryffindor: Hufflepuffs scored higher than the others in compatibility and conscientiousness, the Ravenclaws in Need to Know, and the Slytherins in the Dark Triad.

For any psychiatrist, These results are very surprising. Personality tests often ask you about your usual behavior, such as how often you go out with people or whether you get angry easily. a test wizard of the worldAs most of them know, he doesn’t have any of that.

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Namely, that in those personality tests, which are sometimes done in job interviews, on the one hand, they are completely unreliable, which means that mistakes are possible, and on the other hand, they are based on the lies of those who want to get the job.

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So, The decisions of the Sorting Hat are much faster than the decisions of the psychiatrist who uses it. With all this said we can see how J.K. Rowling’s understanding of character nature allowed her to create realistic and interactive characters.

On the other hand another study was consulted, to leave you herereconfirms this relationship, which, even if it’s a web quiz about an epic story, is already discovering your personality and The association with one house or another was quite successful. Participants sought to match those homes that reflected the personality traits with which they identified themselves.

It is also true that they point out that the classification of J.K. Rowling’s personalities into different houses appears to correspond to already existing psychological constructs, despite having no training in personality psychology, at least as far as we know.

It should be noted that although identification processes can be linked to personality traits, Not much can be learned about it from someone screened at a particular Hogwarts home.

The 2015 study findings are not value judgments, but rather a qualitative psychological assessment. Furthermore, the study reflects trends rather than global realities. The exception is Slytherin, which leads to a lighter result, which is aggressiveness and the dark triad.

With all this on the table, It seems fans who are immersed in the Harry Potter saga may feel something more real than just a fantasy.concludes the study.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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