The strange Campazzo revealed his dream outside basketball

The strange Campazzo revealed his dream outside basketball

The Argentine base responded to a fun game of ping-pong with Jamal Murray, as he also admitted what his gang was before the NBA games.

Facundo Campazzo

Facundo Campazzo It was news and this time not precisely because of his great talents on the field under his armor representation Denver Nuggets, but with a fun ping pong that had to be Jamal MurrayYour teammate, as the interviewer.

Murray, who is fully recovering from a cruciate ligament tear several months ago, was in charge of the Argentine base and revealed his presence. Curious dream Outside of sports, in addition to being recognized The Cabala Before the start of each of the NBA games. He also said of his idols Basketball.

A curious Campazzo dream outside of basketball

Campazzo, a music enthusiast, admitted that his biggest wish, to get basketball out of the way, is “To be singer. In addition, he made it clear that he would like to sing rap music, in English and Spanish. It should be noted that the 30-year-old base has already indicated her fanaticism for rap music since the beginning of last year, after bezarrab, one of the most famous producers of this method in all of America, Travel to the United States to give Facu a special gift: his hat.

Campazzo with Jamal Murray


Campazzo with Jamal Murray

Campazzo childhood idols

Basketball fan from his childhood said the man from Cordoba “By Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Jason Williams You are the players I loveHe added, “In addition, and as a justification for the choice, he added:”When I was a kid, I played point guard style in the NBA. I grew up watching these guys“.

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The Campazzo gang before playing with the Denver Nuggets in the NBA

Many athletes maintain their group before competing. Campazzo also claimed to be one of them and revealed: “I’m trying to send the same messages to the same people. For example, send my wife the phrase “I love you.” It’s like a routine to me. I also send a friend and mom“.

Campazzo with Jamal Murray


Campazzo with Jamal Murray

Videos: Business Sports

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