The truth behind the supposed amount of millionaire that would have been offered to Lupita Jones for turning down in favor of PES

The truth behind the supposed amount of millionaire that would have been offered to Lupita Jones for turning down in favor of PES
Jorge Hank Ron and Lupita Jones (Photo: Quartoscore)
Jorge Hank Ron and Lupita Jones (Photo: Quartoscore)

On May 31, he was announced as the flag bearer of the coalition “It passes through Baja California,” Lupita Jones, He revealed that They would have offered him a large sum of money to turn down PES nominee Jorge Hank Ron.

Jones’ comments were issued by the journalist Elisa Alanis On Millennium TV. In the columnist’s video, you can watch the campaign event that took place last Saturday in Ensenada, where the former Miss Universe was, He indicated, without naming names, that he was under pressure to withdraw from the campaign. Likewise, he did not say whether he actually lodged a complaint with the corresponding electoral offices.

(Foto: TwitterLupJonesOf)
(Foto: TwitterLupJonesOf)

These pressures began to devolve into the desire to buy from me. They put $ 5 million on the table to undo Jorge Hank Ron. ” Lupita Jones announced to the public.

Given these allegations, Hank Ron decided to take a stand on the matter and invited Jones to show evidence of the fact that he was accused of it. The PES Candidate said it was time to stop the “campaign of attacks”.

Conflicts in PRI

On May 27th, President of PRI in Baja California He asked his fighters to withdraw their support for coalition candidate Lupita Jones, in order to give full strength to PES candidate Jorge Hank Ron.

Carlos Jimenez, President of PRI in Baja California, asked the PAN Alliance and the PRD to turn their back on Jones, so that the PES nominee would represent them.

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“We ask the National Action Party, the Democratic Revolutionary Party, and especially the Constitutional Revolutionary Party, to withdraw its support for candidate Lupita Jones and join the campaign Engineer Jorge Hank Ron, the only one with a real chance of winning, “ It was mentioned in an official document.

This decision becomes relevant a week later Jorge Hank Ron will describe the candidate Lupita Jones as “trash”.

After this conflict, the national president of the PRI declared, Alejandro Moreno, who decided to take action on the matter and clarify the matter.

Tikkat Baja, California, May 11, 2018.- Businessman Jorge Hank Ron during the evangelization process of the coalition chairperson. "All for Mexico
Tikkat Baja California, May 11, 2018.- Businessman Jorge Hank Ron during the evangelization process of the coalition candidate Todos Por Mexico. Photo: Omar Martinez /CUARTOSCURO.COM

“Lupita Jones has been and will remain the candidate for our party and the“ Va por Baja California ”coalition. We ask our struggle to support her as they have so far. The Institutional Revolutionary Party will not be fooled by plays that seek to destabilize competition, ” Moreno wrote on his personal Twitter account.

Our commitment is strict with Mexico. The decision of the State Committee has not been agreed upon with the national leadership. To be clear: The PRI will never join a candidate who is not on the side of democracy and pays for the risk that Mexico suffers, ” Moreno added in a second tweet.

Likewise, the PRNP National Executive Committee He described a betrayal that the Bacha California Constitutional Party had called to stop supporting its candidate, Lupita Jones.

After announcing the endorsement of the tricolor, the former Miss Universe herself released a video in which she sends a message to Jorge Hank Ron and explains that she will continue to compete under the PRI banner.

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“The president has already come to say who his candidate is, the PRP candidate is Lupita Jones, Hank I already defeated you once, the PRP candidate is me, not you,” he heard Jones say with laughter.

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Aygen Marsh

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