The world’s 50 best dishes choose Peruvian Pia Leon as the best chef in the world | dentist

The world’s 50 best dishes choose Peruvian Pia Leon as the best chef in the world |  dentist
EC . formulation

On the morning of Wednesday, August 4, The World’s 50 Best, which specializes in honoring the best in the world of gastronomy, announced that the award for Best Chef 2021, (Best Woman Chef in the World 2021) is Peru’s award. From Kjolle, Central, and Mil.

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“Circa 2015 Pia Leon set her sights on opening her own restaurant, the one that she would have from start to finish. This restaurant is Kjolle, which opened in August 2018 in the same complex as the relocated Central. (…]In the same year, Leon was named the Best Chef in Latin America, and 15 months after its opening, Kjolle was awarded the Highest New Entry Award when she debuted in the list of the 50 Best Restaurants in Latin America 2019 at number 21.

We used to travel a lot. Today’s chef needs to go out, travel, meet, and share. If I have to take anything positive from this it is that I was able to rest. We never have holidays and work practically from Monday to Sunday without stopping; Then we benefited, I was with my son. In terms of gastronomy, our minds focus on moving forward with the project, pushing Casa Túpac forward and fulfilling our business philosophy. The one we won’t travel will be seen in time. In this sense we are calm“, .

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He also spoke in statements to this newspaper for a long time about the need for this . “I have always seen the kitchen on equal terms, between men and women, it is a matter of skill and dedication, whether you like cooking or not. I think it is necessary now (recognition of women). But I hope in a few years it will not be necessary. From time to time.”


Bia’s restaurant, Kjolle, got its name from a wild tree in the Andes. It grows more than 3700 meters above sea level. It is used in injections.

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