A total of 6602 researchers Of the seventy countries identified and included in the global list that collects Most of the scholars were martyred and global influencers in their field, placing the United States at the forefront of this ranking.
Compiled by scientific and academic data analysis company Clarivate Analytics, the list identifies researchers from around the world who have demonstrated the most impact in their areas of expertise by publishing the most cited articles over the past decade.
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Names of “distinguished researchers” (Highly Cited Researchers) of the publications ranking in the top percent of most cited by field and year of publication in the Web of Science citation index compiled and identifying research institutions and the countries in which they are located.
Institutions or centers that contribute more researchers to this list are Harvard University (USA), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Stanford University (US), National Institutes of Health (NIH) US, Max Planck Society (Germany) or MIT Technology (MIT) in the United States.
The University of California Berkeley (USA) has completed the list of the ten most cited institutions; Tsinghua University (China); University of California, San Diego (USA); and Oxford University (UK).
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Olga Lucia Sarmiento, director of the epidemiology group at the University of Los Andes.
Andean University
Also on the list is a Colombian institution, the University of Los Andes. Dr. Olga Lucia Sarmiento, Director of the Epidemiology Group at the University of Los Andes, is part of this group of leading scientists worldwide.
The data reveals that the United States is the country with the highest number of such researchers, at 2,622, and that although this country tops this ranking for “research impact,” 24 percent of the articles indexed in the aforementioned site come from this Country – This number and this influence have diminished over the past year.
China ranks second this year on that list, with 935 researchers among the “most cited” researchers, or 14.2 percent of the global total; Data released today reveals that the country has doubled that representation in the past four years.
Third place is the United Kingdom, with 492 researchers (7.5 per cent of the world); And Australia, with 332 scientists, overtook Germany for fourth on the list. Followed by the Netherlands, Canada, France, Spain and Switzerland.
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The number of Hong Kong rose from 60 last year to 79 today, and for the first time entered the list of the most influential scientists in the world in their fields of research from Bangladesh, Kuwait, Mauritius, Morocco and the Republic of Georgia.
This year’s list includes 24 Nobel laureates, including five who were announced this year: David Julius, University of California, San Francisco (physiology or medicine); Ardem Patapoutian, of La Jolla, United States (physiology or medicine); David William Cross Macmillan, Princeton University (Chemistry); David Card from UC Berkeley (Economics); and Guido Empains, Stanford University (Economics).
The list includes 109 Spanish researchers, including Xavier Montalbán (Autonomous University of Barcelona); Rafael Duarte and Francisco José García Vidal (from the Autonomous University of Madrid); Donat Marcos (from the Supercomputing Center in Barcelona); Pascual Unay (from the Center for Climate Change in the Basque Country); Jordi Martínez-Vilalta (from the Center for Environmental Research and Forest Applications); Or Jose Maria Bermúdez de Castro (National Center for Research on Human Evolution).
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