They are calling on the merchants not to pay the electricity bill to protest the increase

They are calling on the merchants not to pay the electricity bill to protest the increase

After the PREPA bill increase was announced, economist Gustavo Velez called on dealers to protest.

Using his Twitter account, Vélez questioned the public company about the preferential treatment of government agencies that did not pay the bill but the system was not interrupted.

Energy disobedience All merchants stop paying electricity for three months. What will PREPA do, with all firms cutting out? And they should treat us like the Capitol and other agencies that do not pay and do not cut them. “

To this idea, Casa Pueblo, which has been recognized for promoting the use of renewable energy, responded by commenting on the same social network calling on economists to “free themselves” from PREPA. “Or you decide to invest in energy self-sufficiency and permanently free yourself from the model of exploitation,” they wrote.

The increase in the electricity bill was announced yesterday after it was announced by PREPA Consumer Representative, Thomas Torres, to secure approval by the Energy Bureau.

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Aygen Marsh

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