This is how Isabella Camille looked like when she was a friend of Luis Miguel | People | entertainment

This is how Isabella Camille looked like when she was a friend of Luis Miguel |  People |  entertainment

The artists were childhood friends and their relationship lasted nearly 7 years.

In addition to attracting thousands of fans, the Sun of Mexico has managed to steal the hearts of the beautiful women who are part of its history. One of those ladies that the audience remembers is her Isabella CamilleAnd the A Mexican actress who had a relationship with Luis Miguel nearly seven years ago, but was previously her childhood friend.

Many followers of Louis Miguel’s musical career classify Camille as “the great love in the life of Luis Miguel”, because in addition to what has been seen in a Netflix production – where the Mexican character is under the name Erica and is played by the actress Camila SodiArtists have broken down barriers of time, from their childhood to adolescence.

In an interview with Sweating In 2018, before the release of the singer’s autobiography, Camille made it clear that it hadn’t bothered him that his story had been taken, since She and the rest of the Camels: “We are a big part of their history.”.

Although her Instagram account is private, the actress shared a photo that she managed to share widely. The snapshot shows how he looked during his youth. You can see why Luis Miguel has been driving crazy for so long. (E)

The actress shared an image that managed to spread widely. The snapshot shows how he looked during his youth.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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