Urban growth in Orizaba will be vertical, there is no longer space – local news, police, around Mexico and the world Sun of Orizaba

Urban growth in Orizaba will be vertical, there is no longer space – local news, police, around Mexico and the world Sun of Orizaba

ORIZABA, Ver.- Guillermo Fernandez Sanchez, Pregnant The Secretariat for Social Development (Sedesol) in Veracruz, She said There are cities like Orizaba that can no longer grow regionally, But they’ll grow up with flats.

With the program that Sedesol brought to Orizaba, they will organize the urban growth of a regional system, and with it, Planning how to maintain the sanctuaries that are kept to control public spaces. “The tool can determine land use, where there will be housing, equipment and urban infrastructure.Added.

Planning depends on Municipal urban development programBearing in mind that Orizaba no longer had a place to grow, he said.

“It is precisely defined in that document, because the urban architects who know the issue and who first diagnose how the municipality and what remains of the spaces work, where the ecological environments must be preserved and there can be growth; there is one“, He said.

In the case of Orizaba the matter is complicatedBut he added that the tool is what allows them to even grant licenses and make changes in land use.

He indicated that The State Program for Urban Development and Planning What they do allows them to realize it There are municipalities that still have many growth areas And others have areas that are very favorable for preserving ecological reserves.

Together with Sedatu, they’ll organize these urban areas, since there are many municipalities that step in, looking for the common spaces they might have.

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This year added Supports 15 municipalities to implement their own municipal urban development programsOne of them is Orizaba.

“Already in the social programs that we do at Sedesol, they allow us, on the one hand, to make agreements with the CFE to bring electricity to very remote areas.”, He expressed; As is the case in Alpatláhuac where they have delivered two works of electricity That required an investment of over 10 million pesos.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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