Uslan launches occupational health assistance program for the self-employed

Uslan launches occupational health assistance program for the self-employed

win over The Osalan-Basque Institute of Occupational Health and Safety will support professional associations of the self-employed, union associations and not-for-profit entities, for their actions aimed at promoting training in the prevention of occupational hazards among the self-employed during the 2022 fiscal year.

To this end, Aslan allocated a budget of 40 thousand euros for training activities. Qualified activities, for which the period of application for assistance has already been opened, must be unambiguously aimed at strengthening training in the prevention of occupational risks among self-employed persons registered in the Special Program for Self-Employed Persons and whose occupational activity is based. Its headquarters is located in Euskadi.

This campaign is in addition to the event that was introduced at the end of last month to spread the concept that “every job, above all, should be a safe job”. So far, this year’s statistics include 9,569 new work accidents, despite the “efforts” that Osalan sees as being made by all concerned parties.

In relation to self-employment work, qualified activities can be taught in person or through sessions Online. The latter shall be embodied in face-to-face sessions, directly, through remote applications or systems that ensure the simultaneous attendance of students and teachers in all planned sessions of the qualifying activity (sessions Online synchronous). All these activities must be realized in activities of a minimum of 10 teaching hours and a maximum of 30 teaching hours. It will be subsidized with a maximum of €325 per student trained.

After the deadline for practicing the training activity with the conditions and method specified in the concession decision and before payment, the beneficiaries must submit the economic report, justification for the expenses incurred, a certificate of completion and surveys. The expected expenditures in the approved budget for the training activity must be justified by invoices and other documents of equivalent evidentiary value with their validity in the commercial legal movement or with administrative competence that demonstrates the effective implementation of the expenditures included in the budget. Invoices will be unambiguously related to the activities supported and the different concepts that can be funded should appear differentiated and detailed in them.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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