Vatican explains why Cubans are not allowed to enter Saint Peter’s Square

Vatican explains why Cubans are not allowed to enter Saint Peter’s Square

The Vatican’s press office gave an explanation of the reasons why hundreds of Cubans were prevented from demonstrating in St. Peter’s Square last Sunday.

According to an email sent to the independent portal of Radio Marti, the foundation indicated that on that day many people wanted to come to the square to hold a political demonstration during a spiritual and religious event, which is Sunday presided over by the Holy Father.

“As far as we know, they were offered to enter the square as individuals and not as demonstrators, but they refused and continued their demonstration on Via della Conciliazione, a short distance from the square, without any particular incident, apparently to us,” the statement said.

These statements are very different from the accounts relayed by several activists who were immediately relayed.

He even emphasized that there are pilgrims from all over the world carrying their flags, but Cubans are the only ones who seem unable to carry their flags.

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“A discriminatory act, because there were Spanish, Peruvian and many other countries’ flags, but Cuban flags are not allowed,” the announcer said.

said Otaola, who did not stop referring to the Cuban regime as a manipulative player with what happened.

And he commented on his personal Facebook page, the Cuban coordinator in Spain: “Completely wrong, they said that only a part of us can enter and we said no, there are videos showing the number of Cubans who wanted to enter as individuals and were blocked.” Opposition organization Somos +, Lázaro Mireles

Source: written by

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Aygen Marsh

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